Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Greetings noble warriors of Caliburnus,

I am Ood Bnar and am your new Rollmaster and House Envoy. Which means I’m here to help you. I am confident that we can pull ourselves together and move to splendour. This first report will consist of data since my appointment on the 1 of August of the glorious year 2006

Master Student program:

I have mailed all the prospective students to see which ones are interested in this program. Remember, the standard rank requirement has been lowered to Novice.

I will mail everyone (DJK and above) to see who is interested in tutoring a newer member to Knighthood. Please respond to this email, I won’t bite (people that have more powers than me). Currently we have 5 pairings in our house and there are 4 potential masters awaiting new students.

Current pairings:

Arania and Ood

Impetus and Cethgus

Phantom and Cornix

Macron and Cal Tecontic

Xen and Jarith

Potential Masters:

Maximus Raidoner Mandalore


Dakari Tamalar

Uzbad Zol Tamalar

Potential Students:


SA Courses

SBL Maximus Raidoner Mandalore

Passed Pre-Republic History

GJW Submissions


  • DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine

Participated in the Decision Event

  • SW Xen’Mordin Apophis Entar

Participated in the Field Reporter – Update One event

  • GRD Tyno

Participated in the Field Reporter – Update One event

  • DJK Impetus

Participated in the Field Reporter – Update One event


GRD Tyno


  • Against DJK Melkor Corsair 2 – 0

  • Against ACO Maarek 0 - 2


  • Against DJK Mekor Corsair 5 – 1

DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine


  • Against SW Dax Corrin, She lost with –1

  • Against SW Horus Blackheart 6 – 0

House Roster

Our House stands at 37 members

#11 DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine

#205 SBL Desio Predator

#326 SBL Vally Tamalar

#3612 SBL Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine

#3776 SBL Maximus Raidoner Mandalore

#1440 OT Morrigan Jarel Lilienkamp-Fey

#3553 OT Voldemort

#3704 OT Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen

#4583 OT Phantom Mandalore

#3783 SW Xen'Mordin Apophis Entar

#5101 SW Thran Occasus

#4948 DJK Hideki Tamalar Tetsuya

#5010 DJK Aksle Tamalar

#5951 DJK Impetus

#3317 JH Ood Bnar

#3448 JH Tiberius Wolf Mandalore

#6705 JH Cethgus

#4094 GRD Tyno

#7332 PRT Octavian_SLS

#7875 PRT Quantis

#7907 PRT Jarith Krasa

#7326 ACO Bryn Mawr

#7455 ACO Cal Tecontic

#7690 ACO Korriban Uthar Ventress

#7454 NOV Aranas

#7769 NOV Ch'Arney

#7861 NOV Jenay Etienne

#7286 APP Jeaser Mai-ney

#7672 APP Kyane Fased III

#7721 APP Dranaka Cral

#7736 APP Xiath

#7756 APP Oscuro

#7770 APP Belgerath

#7771 APP Ricto

#7777 APP Killem Now

#7804 APP A. ragnos

#7816 APP Shadow

Order of the Week :

Go participate in the GJW! Earn some shinies and help the clan reach second place. We are better than CNS, so prove it!

In Darkness

Ood Bnar

JH Ood Bnar (Krath)/RM-EP/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: CL:1]

StA / DC-KC / Cr-1A-2S-1E / LSB

{SA: U:TL - U:TS - U:TW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ESET - S:TAC - L:PRH - G:SB - G:TS - G:AL - G:AS}

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