Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


Hey again for yet another week of the dreaded Battleteam Report. Well, there is a good bit to go over with real quick, so I'll quick jabbering on and get to the point...


Dax Corrin should be known for his gaming skills and maybe some other things, but to me for his gaming skills, over the past month or three, he has over filled my Inbox with his GJW Submitions. I have lost my count, but i do think he had around 80 of them...

Julius Caesar has did a good bit also since he got his JA working, he has submitted acouple of things, and is doing the best he can at his own rate...

Niman Master, he has submitted a good bit also.


Rannik got a Crescent with Sapphire Star! Yay!!!

Niman Master got a Crescent with Sapphire Star also!

Julius Caesar got a Crescent with Emerald Star! Good job guys, keep it up!!!


None. :( Come on guys, get promoted! Even though i shouldnt be talking, :P.


OK, We need ideas for the Team. Like small graphic ideas, fiction ideas, stuff like that. Anything that can help the BT. Now, this I will assign EVERYONE in the BT to do, even though some of you may be GAMERS or something, but still it doesnt hurt to give ideas...

Well, guess thats it for this week. If i have forgotten anything you know where to catch me... :P

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