Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings all,

Lots of things going on, the end of the Great Jedi War is on the horizon. The Clan has fallen back into 4th place. We really need everyone to get out there and do what you can; these last few events are the ones that really count.

Also, there have been changes in the Summit. With Braecen stepping up to take Proconsul, Saitou has moved into the Quaestor’s office.

We have opened two Battle teams, Drynwyn’s Flame, and Draco Conspicari. Please be sure to congratulate the new BTLs, RevengeX, Tetrarch of Drynwyn’s Flame, and Thran, the Commander of Draco Conspicari. If you’re interested in being a part of either team, contact the BTLs, Saitou, or myself. Remember that you need to be at least an Acolyte to serve in a Battleteam.

Welcome SW Thran Occasus, transferring over from Caliburnus.


RevengeX, awarded a Star of Antei

Lan, awarded a Star of Antei

Gavan, awarded a Dark Cross

SA Courses:

PRT Malaki passed Marksmanship, IRC Basics, and Training Saber Basics

There weren’t any promotions this week. What are you guys waiting for? Get busy and do stuff to get promoted for!!

Random Quote of the Week:

“Those who have changed the universe have never done it by changing officials, but always by inspiring the people.” ~ Napoleon Boneparte

As always, if I missed anything, I apologize. Let me know and I’ll include it next time. My door is always open, any questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to contact me any time.


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