Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

<head> <title>Kirleta's Way Weekly Report</title> </head>

<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Introduction </big></big></legend>


As Ky Terrak walked the halls of the great Plagueis temple

his heart began to beat a litle faster. Prelate Silent had

summoned him, and the tone in his quaestor's voice had made

him a little excited. The only thing that it could be

about was this blasted Great Jedi War. Plagueis had been

loosing way to many members and with the end nearing it was

going to be loosing many more. At the end of this war

those members that refused to step up and fight for their

clan were going to be dealt with. His past history always

made him the first choice for these kinds of tasks and he

was hoping that this time there would be no exception.



<fieldset> <legend><big><big> News </big></big></legend>

<font color="red"><small> This isn't all the news posted

for the DB and our clan this is just what I felt was the

most important for you guys to have.</small></font>

<dl> <dt> <big>_ Dark Brotherhood _</big>

</dt><dt>Copy Written Material </dt><dd>Before you use someone elses material for your own uses

make sure that you FIRST get their permission.

</dd><dt> Sunday Invite Changes Point

System </dt><dd>Smoke has released a new point system for the Sunday

Invitational. You can view it at [http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php



</dd><dt>Dark Voice </dt><dd>The Dark Voice field reports have been released and you

can find them here [ht


</dd><dt>Problems with JO/JA

Servers </dt><dd> If you are having problems with the JA/JO servers try

finding one of the following people to help you out

  • Tal JO Server: Duga, Benevolent, Smoke, Lucius

  • Kr'Tal & Antei JA Servers: Duga, Dessan, Smoke, Lucius

</dd><dt>Gaming Nights and Sunday Invite

CoFs </dt><dd>Here is the new award system for Gaming Nights and the

Sunday Invite.

  • JA/JO/RC: 1CF for a Win, 1/3 for a Loss

  • BF1/BF2/XWA/XvT: 3CF's for a Win, 1CF for a Loss

<small>(BF is due to longer play time, and XWA/XvT is

in hopes to help those that did play..to come back)</small>

  • EaW/SWGB/Alleg: 5CF's for a Win, 2CF's for a Loss

<small>(Due to longer play time)</small>

  • ACCLive: 2CF's for a Win, 1CF for a loss

</dd><dt>Great Jedi War Chapter 6 </dt><dd> You can find the plot fiction for Chapter 6 here [


</dd><dt> <big>_ Plagueis _</big>

</dt><dt>Plagueis Weekly Caption Contest

</dt><dd> The new caption contest has started and you can find

all the details as well as the current image here [http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum



</dd><dt>BubbaX Promoted </dt><dd> Congratulations to BubbaX on his recent promotion to

Sith Battlemaster! This is a well earned promotion.

</dd><dt>Trivia Round 4 </dt><dd>You can find round four of Plagueis Trivia here [http




</dd><dt> <big>_ Satal Keto & Kirleta's Way _</big>

</dt><dt>New Banner </dt><dd> I have created a new banner to use for my reports.

Scroll up to see it in all its glory.

</dd><dd>thats about all this week.



<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Promotions </big></big></legend>

  • None this week.


<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Medals </big></big></legend>

  • None this week.


<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Shadow Academey </big></big></legend>

  • None this week.


<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Anti Combat Chamber </big></big></legend>

  • None this week.


<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Transfers In/Out </big></big></legend>

  • None this week.


<fieldset> <legend><big><big> Current Roster </big></big></legend>

<table width="80%">

<tr> <th align="left"> Name</th> <th align="left"> Rank</th> <th align="left"> Email</th> </tr>

<tr> <td> Obelisk Sergeant Ky Terrak

Obelisk Trooper Arso Slyth

Obelisk Trooper Jacen Aylen

Obelisk Trooper Bran Redmow

Obelisk Trooper Tek Cicero Dantes

Obelisk Trooper Suul

Obelisk Trooper Shonen </td>

<td> Dark Jedi Knight






Protector </td>


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_ "Verd ori’shya beskar’gam” _



DJK Ky Terrak (Obelisk)/SGT/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC:


StA-WG / DC-KC / (GN) / Cr-4A-2S-2E / CF-BIF-RF-GF-PF / LSS

{SA: U:TL - U:TW - U:TE - U:TA - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ -



dossier # 6591


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