Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

HC QUA report

OK this is going to be really random I’m just reporting on whatever I have in my Inbox. When the GJW medals are handed out I’ll send another report. I’ll probably have missed something and I’ll probably report on something that Xen did.

Firstly, there’s a new report scheme in place in CSP. All of the leaders will be reporting. BTLs and envoys report every two weeks, Aediles, Quaestors and the clan summit will post every week. All reports will be posted on the db site. BTL reports will come every other Friday, House summit and House Envoy reports will come every Saturday, And Clan summit and Clan envoy reports will be done on Sunday. Not much of a difference for my reports. I’m not exactly sure when this scheme comes into place, or even if it’s in place already.

Now for whatever activity I can find in my inbox:

PRT Zeron was awarded a dark cross for his outstanding efforts in the sa.

GRD Tyno has won 23 CFs from gaming nights

GRD Malaki won 2

PRT Zeron won 13

And Zeron got promoted a few times … In one day.

This week’s member of the week joined this week. It’s PRT Zeron.

That’s it from me, let me know if me or Xen missed anything.

Quaestor Impetus

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