Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Rollmaster/Compagnion Class Envoy Report

Master/Student Program

Current pairings:

Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar and Protector Zeron

Archpriest Mune Metsukai Isradia and Jedi Hunter Laurus

Dark Jedi Knight Impetus and Jedi Hunter Cethgus

Templar Phantom Mandalore and Jedi Hunter Cornix

Battlemaster Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura and Acolyte Cal Tecontic

Dark Jedi Knight Rasilvenaira StormRaven and Guardian Corin Falgron, Acolyte Bryn Mawr

Archpriest al`Lan Mandragoran and Protector Maximilian Kandra

Archpriest Braecen Kunar and Protector Gavan

Priest Exodius and Protector Krayn Cotelin

Pontifex Cuchulain and Protector Libra Tzo

Warrior Xen'Mordin Apophis Entar and Guardian Jarith Krasa

Battlelord Vally Tamalar and Acolyte Val’kyr, Novice Aranas

Potential Masters:

Maximus Raidoner Mandalore

Dakari Tamalar

Uzbad Zol Tamalar

Potential Students:



Shadow Academy


Sith Core


Sith Flight I: ISET

Sith Flight II: ESET

Leadership Applications

ACC Initiates

Sith Tactics

IRC Basics

Lightsaber Studies

Training Saber

Pre-Republic History

History of the Sith Empire I

Obelisk Core

Advancement Survey


History of the Sith Empire I

Maximus Raidoner Mandalore:

History of the Sith Empire I

Ood Bnar:

History of the Sith Empire I



Dark Cross

Cluster of Fire x14


Cluster of Fire x14


Cluster of Fire x2

Grand Jedi War

Morrigan Jarel Lilienkamp-Fey:

A Final Surprise x9

Arania Lawakiro Palpatine:

A Final Surprise x2


A Final Surprise


A Final Surprise


A Final Surprise


A Final Surprise


Zeron has joined Caliburnus


APP Zeron was promoted to NOV, to ACO, to PRT

PRT Malaki was promoted to GRD

House roster

Our House stands at 44 members

#11 DJM Arania Lawakiro Palpatine

#205 SBL Desio Predator

#326 SBL Vally Tamalar

#3612 SBL Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine

#3776 SBL Maximus Raidoner Mandalore

#3607 KAP Mune Metsukai Isradia

#1440 OT Morrigan Jarel Lilienkamp-Fey

#3553 OT Voldemort

#3704 OT Xan Be'lakor Azytzeen

#4583 OT Phantom Mandalore

#3783 SW Xen'Mordin Apophis Entar

#5058 SW Brujah Tamalar

#3317 DJK Ood Bnar

#4948 DJK Hideki Tamalar Tetsuya

#5010 DJK Aksle Tamalar

#5951 DJK Impetus

#3448 JH Tiberius Wolf Mandalore

#6705 JH Cethgus

#4094 GRD Tyno

#7453 GRD Malaki

#7907 GRD Jarith Krasa

#7332 PRT Octavian_SLS

#7875 PRT Quantis

#8003 PRT Zeron

#7326 ACO Bryn Mawr

#7454 ACO Aranas

#7455 ACO Cal Tecontic

#7690 ACO Korriban Uthar Ventress

#7942 ACO Val’kyr

#7769 NOV Ch'Arney

#7861 NOV Jenay Etienne

#7286 APP Jeaser Mai-ney

#7672 APP Kyane Fased III

#7721 APP Dranaka Cral

#7736 APP Xiath

#7756 APP Oscuro

#7770 APP Belgerath

#7771 APP Ricto

#7777 APP Killem Now

#7804 APP A. ragnos

#7816 APP Shadow

#7954 APP Darren

#7958 APP Craiden

#7972 APP Enosh Tiberius

If I forgot something, please let me know and I’ll add it.

In Darkness,

Ood Bnar

JH Ood Bnar (Krath)/RM-EP/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: CL:1]

StA-WG / DC-KC / Cr-1A-2S-1E / LSB

{SA: U:TL - U:TS - U:TW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ESET - S:TAC - L:PRH - G:SB - G:TS - G:AL – L:FPH - G:AS}

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