Consul Report


Consul Report

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  :: Clan Plagueis CON Report :: </td>

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        <font size="5">Clan Plagueis CON Report #<!-- #BeginEditable "repno" -->19<!-- #EndEditable --></font>  

        <!-- #BeginEditable "date" -->11 September<!-- #EndEditable -->, 2006  

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        ::  **From Dark Jedi Master Aristan Dantes**  :: </td>

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Clan Plagueis

        **_Life and Death through Darkness_**  



<- <font=red>Greetings! This week's Consul report is going to be about the long road ahead. The projects and ideas that will help make this Clan one of the most exceptional in all of the Dark Brotherhood. Clan Plagueis has made a great many strides over the past year, but we have only begun to define what it is that truly makes us unique from the rest of the Brotherhood. It is with your help and your dedication that I hope to make OUR Clan the very best it can be.

The Way Ahead: On 5 September I sent out an email to the Clan Leadership, Council of the Wise, and Elders of Plagueis detailing several projects that we will undertake over the course of the next several months. The purpose of the email was to discuss the future of Clan Plagueis and the way we fictionally interact with the Star Wars Galaxy. I would like to share that email (edited for length) with the rest of the Clan.


Greetings Summit, Council of the Wise, and Clan Elders,

Over the past several months we have created a wealth of material and fictional background for Clan Plagueis. In addition to these fictional aspects we have also created the policy and procedure that will allow the Clan to operate for years to come.

We have accomplished a great deal, but there is more to be done.

Our next task is to refine our purpose and fictional relationship to the Star Wars Galaxy. The Dark Brotherhood timeline has us at 25 Years after the Battle of Yavin or roughly at the Start of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Clan Plagueis is located in the Jusadih system in the Inner Rim. This close position to the heart of the New Republic places us in a peculiar position. As a Dark Jedi organization we would not have the ability to operate openly without fear of reprisal from the New Republic or the various systems with a close proximity to us. We would also be in the way of the Yuuzhan Vong invasion corridor and receive additional unwanted attention as Force Users. These two things are cause for us to analyze the way the Clan currently operates in a fictional aspect.

If you read our system Manual you will see that we are the rulers of our system and we rule it openly as Dark Jedi. I believe our next major project needs to be an adjustment to that style of operation. I believe we need to rewrite and write a cover story for Clan Plagueis Operations in Jusadih. Perhaps we are the shadowy rulers with Political Puppets serving as the face of our organization. Perhaps we are the owners of a major trading corporation that operates in Jusadih and rules it. Perhaps we rule the system, but we act as kindly old Palpatine types.


This email generated several responses from the Clan Leadership and many of them were fantastic ideas. These ideas and changes will be left up to the membership to act on and create a new future and story for Clan Plagueis. I look forward to our progression as a Clan and I look forward to seeing the creative fruits of our labor. I know one thing, I am motivated to improve and I know a lot of others in this Clan are too. It is now time for us to get to work!

New Project #1: Artifacts: New Project #1 has already been completed. Clan Plagueis was lacking artifacts from our namesake. Thus two new Artifacts have been created to replace two of our old Artifacts. We now have Darth Plagueis' Holocron and Lightsaber Crystal. These two artifacts replace the "Bodyguard" and "Water Skin".

New Project #2: Sistros Aquisitions & Holdings: The Corporate Organization that serves as a Front for Clan Plagueis Operations. We have created a new portal on our Website that leads the Casual observer to our Corporate Headquarters: The next step is to find a team of highly motivated writers to create multiple pages and links for False Corporate Blah Blah. It is important that this team base the Corporate in our Home System of Jusadih and use our natural resources as a key ingrendient in the Operation of our Front Company. This Corporation is also a real money making corporation. We need to make our Cash! If you are interested in this project, contact me!

New Project #3: Update the Website: This project has already begun. If you visit the Clan Plagueis website you will notice several new changes. The first change is the creation of new Planet Renderings by DJK Raken. If you click on these renderings they will lead you to the Planetary Maps that used to grace the System Manual. You can see the new Renderings at: The second major update to the Clan Website is the creation of a Clan Calendar. This Calendar allows leaders in Plagueis to plot their projected timelines for daily duties and future projects. Big thanks to Bubba for creating the Calendar. The third update was the new images of Exar Kun's Saber sent in by DA Khan. Check them out at: The fourth update is not really an update as much as it is upkeep of the website. SBL Salth Khan has handled the majority of updates and light coding and everyone should take the time to thank him. The final push for the website is the updating of the Clan System Manual (link above). I am running a competition to update the planet Nintura. It is open to all of the Clan. Details at:

New Project #4: Battle Teams: Battle Teams, the scourge of Dark Jedi Master Sarin. We have spent several months on the creation of a legitimate Battle Team System. JC/Tolter and Raken both came up with the idea for a BT Guidebook and we now have one up at the Clan Website: This new guide is a source for incoming leaders to use as a basis for how the Battle Teams in Plagueis should be run.

New Project #5: House Revamp: Clan Proconsul Aabsdu is working on the improvement of our Houses. Aabs has focused on the creation of two new websites, house history, and house possessions.

Project #6: fix the Wiki: The Dark Brotherhood Wiki was released last week at The Wiki has several entries about Clan Plagueis that need to be updated, maintained, and improved upon. Raken, Orzon, and Salth have all agreed to help maintain the Clan Plagueis pages. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or comments on the Plagueis entries, please let them know.

Project #7: Competitions and Run-Ons: Clan Plagueis is about to take a step into the Larger Star Wars Universe. We are set at +25 After the Battle of Yavin and it is about time we start using the rest of the Galaxy in our stories and history. Clan Plagueis does not operate in a Vacuum and our new competitions and stories should reflect that reality. More to come!

Project #8: Envoy Emphasis: The Clan Summit has decided to put additional emphasis on the Envoys in Clan Plagueis. We have directed a new rule that only allows DJK+ to assume the duties of Envoys. This policy is to ensure our membership receives the best training available when they first enter the Dark Brotherhood.

Project #9: Cut the Fat: In case you did not notice, our Clan just lost 50% of its members to the Rogues. Several Equites and Journeymen were allowed to remain on the roster way too long (my fault) and it was time that they moved off to the Rogues. That move has been made. We are now a mean and lean Clan of 50 Active members with a goal of growing. Lets get to it.

I am sure I have forgotten somebody or something on this report. Your PCON, QUA, and AEDs all put out good information each week in their reports. Be sure to keep reading them.



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        :: **In Dark Service to the Brotherhood** :: </td>

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I have an Open-Door policy, so people are welcome to see me at any time about anything. If its a House matter, I do ask that you take it up with the House Summit first, then if that doesn't resolve your problem, feel free bring it to my attention. If your problem is with the House Summit in general, and by that I mean both the QUA and AED, then by all means come to me immediately, as well as the Consul, and we'll help resolve the problem ASAP.


<font color="darkred">*Plagueis Consul Dark Jedi Master Aristan "Sarin" Dantes *</font>

<font color="darkred">"Wrath is more effective when anger ministers at her side"


                 ::Life and Death through Darkness ::  


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 ** :: Clan Plagueis :: **</td>

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