Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Dark Greetings Galerans!

Here we go with Galeres activity from the past week (well, from September 22 - September 29):



APP Unholy (in)

PRT Oran Gootan (out)

DJK Xayun Erinos (in and out - either he likes the old 'in out, in out', or a database glitch is to blame :P)

OT Lucius Niroth (in)

APP Eclipse (in)

APP Macdee (in)

APP Exitus (in)

APP Uzuma Nara (in)



Apprentice Sparda made the leap to Novice!

Apprentice Eclipse rises up the the rank of Novice!

Novice Etah made the jump up to Acolyte...then to Protector! Wooo!



KP Selene d'Tana: Scroll of Indoctrination

DJK Malidir d'Tana: Crescent with Ruby Star

DJK Karel Bruth` Kothae: Crescent with Amethyst Star

DJK Malidir d'Tana: Crescent with Amethyst Star

DJK Karel Bruth` Kothae: Crescent with Sapphire Star

DJK Malidir d'Tana: Cluster of Fire (113)

DJK Karel Bruth` Kothae: Cluster of Fire (90)

KP Selene d'Tana: Cluster of Fire (14)

OT Lucius Niroth: Cluster of Fire (8)

DJK Nadrin Jubolt: Cluster of Fire (4)

DJK Wolvie "the jackal": Cluster of Fire (4)

OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae: Cluster of Fire (1)


Shadow Academy Courses:

OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae: Force Philosophy

OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae: History of the Sith Empire I

OPM Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana Arconae: Obelisk Core

DJK Devani Maharet Xyler: History of the Sith Empire I

DJK Malidir d'Tana: HTML Basics

DJK Malidir d'Tana: Force Philosophy

PRT Etah: Sith Core

PRT Etah: MSN Messenger

PRT Etah: Training Saber Basics

PRT Etah: History of the Sith Empire I

PRT Etah: Conflict Mediation

ACO Taerius: History of the Sith Empire I

APP Eclipse: Test of Wisdom

APP Eclipse: ACC Initiates Course


So basically...Etah is a Shadow Academy wizard, AND he is quite the man on campus for getting promoted as well! Kosk has also

been boning up on his Dark Brotherhood lorez0rs. 200+ CFs for the week in Galeres, stellar stuff. Also, Galeres did awesome in

the last ICTE, with two, count 'em, two of our members making the top three! Awesome work, let's go out and do it again! *does

a manly cheerleader dance*

That is all.

DJK Malidir d'Tana

Rollmaster/Envoy of Galeres

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