Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

<head> <title>HC QUA Report</title>


HC QUA Report

OK firstly got bored with the normal reports so I felt like coding one.

House News

Not alot has happened in the last week, I can only think of one thng to point out. Arturius Tyr Klee has re-joined Caliburnus and is now the Sargent of Nightshade Squadron. Welcome Artuius

Clan News

The conclave passed last night but it was at midnight for me so I couldn't attend. The notes should be coming soon, hopefully with my trivia at the bottom.

Activity Report


Biggest section of the report this week.

Legion of the Scholar (LS) awarded to JH Tyno (Sith)

Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to JH Tyno (Sith)

Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to JH Zeron (Sith)

Crescent with Emerald Star (E) awarded to GRD Malaki (Krath)

Cluster of Fire (CF) (X2) awarded to JH Zeron (Sith)

Cluster of Fire (CF) (X10) awarded to JH Cethgus (Obelisk)

Shadow Academy

Leadership Fundamentals Passed: Prajna Berkana (Obelisk)


Not many this week, apart from APP Dremora joining us

Member of the week

This week's member of the week is Tyno for his btl work, Crescent and Leigon of the Scholar

That's it from me, may the force serve you well.


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