Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Sadly right now the Tal site is down, so is the promotions billboard I

put up telling you young folks what tasks you have to do for promotion

:( I'm getting together with some people to see what can be done.

There are plenty of competions for every one to do.

Here's the one I made:


Title: Vanished

Requested By: SW Kraval Novir

Specifics: Shadow, Ziggy, and Shaithis were sent on a mission to go

to Coruscant and retrieve some technological information from the

criminal organization Black Sun. It has been a week now and they have

failed to report in at the usual time. You're being sent to Coruscant

to back track them and find out what happened.

Start Date: 10/20/2006

End Date: 10/31/2006

Unit in Competition: House Dinaari

Platforms: Fiction

Awards: 4th Level Crescents

Comments: 2 pages minimum

And then there's Erin's comp for our house:


Title: [Dinaari] Mysteries of the Force

Requested By: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama

Specifics: Dark Jedi Master Alanna has decided that it is time to

make a holocron to record the events in the brotherhood and new dark

side techniques that the Krath have been experimenting with. What

sorts of events are noteworthy and what could the Krath have come up

with involving the Force?

The format of this competition will be a short story of two to six

pages. Submissions should be sent to KPN Seraine Ténama at

[Log in to view e-mail addresses].

Start Date: 10/28/2006

End Date: 11/28/2006

Unit in Competition: House Dinaari


Awards: Fourth-level Crescents for the top three participants.

Comments: This competition is run with Kraval's approval.

There are also comps that are being run by the fiction tribune:


Title: Fiction Tribune's Halloween Competition

Requested By: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama

Specifics: Write a short story (5 pages or less) about a DB Halloween

party. Who will have the scariest costume this year? Entries will be

marked by the Fiction Tribune, so Fiction Staff are allowed to

participate. Extra points for scarier costumes. The scariest costume

will be posted when the winners are announced.

Start Date: 10/29/2006

End Date: 11/5/2006

Unit in Competition: Entire DJB


Awards: Third-level Crescents

Comments: Please send all entries to dbfictiontribune [at] gmail [dot] com.

And this one:


Title: Fiction Tribune's Epic Competition

Requested By: KPN Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama

Specifics: This will be an epic fiction competition with a minimum

entry length of 10 pages. There are no restrictions on the topic so

long as it is DB-related, includes your character relatively directly

and is appropriate for public comsumption. Entries will be graded by

the Fiction Tribune, so Fiction Staff are welcome to participate.

Start Date: 11/1/2006

End Date: 2/1/2007

Unit in Competition: Entire DJB


Awards: First-level Crescents. Second-level Crescents are given in

regular MTs, and a minimum of ten pages is a lot of work.

Comments: Send all entries to dbfictiontribune [at] gmail [dot] com.

The clan also has a run on happening:


It's a bit into the story but a great way for you younger folks to

stay active :)

There's also Tal Trivia, which I will be hosting this Sunday (tomorrow

or today depending on where you live) which will be done on IRC in

#taldryan at noon Central US time.

That's a list of what you younger and older folk can do if you'd like.

News wise:

The ACC Championship ladder starts soon, so if you want to get in on

that, sign up now!!! Even I'm participating in it :P Details in

Dalthid's report


Gaming is still done on Tues & Thurs in #dbgaming so if you have

games such as Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, Empire at War, Battle Front

For Inter-Club Training Events on saturday those are done in

#outerrim. remember to fight someone enter the room and use !signup

____ filling in the blank with a game name like JO or JA.

If you would like to join the battle team that Erinyes is in charge

of, let me know. This is especially aimed at you younger folks because

you can get promoted easier if you're apart of the BT.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Kraval Novir

QUA of Dinaari

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