Aedile Report


Aedile Report

A group of Apprentices and Novices were training with each other in the main courtyard of the Acclivis Draco compound when they heard a sharp command, “Duck!!” They all scattered and dropped to the ground. The few braver ones glanced up in time to see an odd round object hurtling overhead making strange sounds. The round thing hit the ground well past them with a croaking squawk and exploded. Once the dust settled, they stood back up and looked around. Staring at the small crater left by the exploding object was none other than their Aedile, Rasilvenaira StormRaven. With a disgusted sigh, she turned around, her dark eyes taking in the impromptu audience. Arching an eyebrow, she regarded them all. “What? You’ve never seen an exploding Nuna before?” Chuckling at the resulting quizzical glances, she smiled, “Its okay, neither had I, but truthfully, it’s not what I was trying to achieve. Hmm, I suppose I need to study my Sith Alchemy a little better before I try that one again.” The Knight nodded to herself and walked back into the House headquarters, leaving the youngsters to return to their training. Allowing her mind and her footsteps to wander, Rasilvenaira eventually found herself back in her office. “Ah, yes, I should finish that report.” Settling down at her desk she pulled out a new piece of paper and began to write.

Greetings Acclivis Draco,


The members of Acclivis Draco totally rock!! But then again, you guys know that, or should. The Halloween Bonanza and the Halloween Trivia Special were a huge success with lots of you earning awards in that, and even more participating. Honestly, I was really happy to see how many of you took the time to show up for it.

Keep your eyes open for more special events coming up. Also just a reminder, CSP’s Conclave and the Clan Trivia are moving to Saturdays for November.


Yes! Very good week guys, I am proud of our journeymen; multiple promotions going out this week made me one very happy Aedile. Keep it up!

ACO Norrik Karn – promoted from NOV, APP

NOV Kenzy Vadah – promoted from APP

ACO Arual Semaj – promoted from NOV, APP


stares at her inbox Okay guys, great work, I think my inbox exploded this week with all the shinnies collected by the members of HAD. I love seeing it, so don’t stop!!

PRT Kel Tavik – awarded Legion of the Scholar x4, Dark Side Scroll, Crescent with Sapphire Star x3,

KAP RevengeX Palpatine - awarded Legion of the Scholar x2, Cluster of Fire x10

NOV Norrik Karn – awarded Legion of the Scholar

DJK Korbin – awarded Legion of the Scholar

KAP Adam Anderson – awarded Crescent with Emerald Star

DJK Rasilvenaira StormRaven – awarded Crescent with Emerald Star, Legion of the Scholar, Cluster of Fire x16

Shadow Academy:

Wonderful little run on the Shadow Academy! Always good to keep those Eclectic Pedagogues busy. evil chuckle Keep up the good work everyone! Get out there and take the Shadow Academy by storm! Knowledge is power, remember that.

ACO Norrik Karn – Obelisk Core, IRC Basics

PRT Ansus "Shadowchild" Argetlam – Conflict Mediation

DJK Ood Bnar Sythe'rae – Astronomy

SMB Darkari – Astronomy, History of the Sith Empire I

PRT Kel Tavik – Krath Advanced Poetry

APP Klum - Alchemy Basics, History of the Sith Empire I

ACO Arual Semaj – Leadership Studies, Test of Wisdom, History of the Sith Empire I

New Members:

Acclivis Draco proudly welcomes several new members into our ranks this week.

ACO Arual Semaj

APP Klum

APP Yures

Name Changes:

DJK Ood Bnar Sythe'rae changed from Ood Bnar


There are still lots of Competitions going on, so there are plenty of opportunities to add more shinnies to your collections. So make sure you look over these and do the ones you can, the more you enter, the more chances you have to win.

Brotherhood Wide:

SA Trivia

November Monthly Topics

Fiction Tribune's Epic Competition

Clan Wide:

CSP Clan IRC Trivia

House Wide:

Shadows of the Soul

Ends November 10th!


Drynwyn’s Tower New Security System

Ends November 10th!

Random Thought for the Week:

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde

Yay for those members who keep filling my inbox up with lots of emails! Keep up the good work all of you.

If I missed anything, please let me know and I’ll add it next week.


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