Galaxies Tribune Report


Galaxies Tribune Report

Sorry for the delay with the report but between midterms and work it is hard to stay on time.

Here is what we have:

In game members of the <djb>: 107

Active members:42 <

these are the ones that are constantly playing.

Members that are semi active: 65 <

These are members that are weekend players.

Out of guild DB members: 1 Dakari Tamalar, who left to help out an allied guild several months ago.

Current Guild Leadership: Templar Phantom Mandalore- Guild Leader and Govenor of The Citadel of Ragnos Stronghold in Correlia (DBJ GUILD CITY).

Sith Acolyte Ohika Ilob- Commander of the DJB Imperail Armed forces and Navy.

Sith Battle Lord Maximus Raidoner Mandalore-Galaxies Tribune and Founder of the City of Ragnos Stronghold.

Aabsdu Dupar: Web master and DBPA Oracle (In game and out game)

DB PA Roster list:

We have limited recruitment while still maintaining the status of the second oldest Imperial guild in the scylla server and attempting to always promote the DB and it's many features and benefits it has to offer gamers and SW fans alike.

With most members being SWG veterans and having completed most of the Quest and Imperial missions we have been slow on issuing medals, however we are constantly organizing rebel bases attacks and raids on rebel towns and rebel rookie quest hunters.

I will issue issue out an internal report of the City of Ragnos Stronghold's structures, new shops that have opened, new Imperial bases and player houses seized by the Empire because of lack of tax payment on the PA forum this weekend.

SBL M.R. Mandalore

-Galaxies Tribune

-Ace pilot for the Imperial Inquisitiors squadron

-Patriarch of the Mandalore family

-Founder of the city of Ragnos Stronghold, Correlia.(Scylla Server)


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