Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

-November 24 2006-

Report two: The game is on!

  1. News of the Weird

  2. Roster & Awards

  3. Competitions

  4. Raven's Random Ramblings

News of the Weird

Alright guys and gals, the news is a blatantly obvious as can be...the House Feud is a GO!

And HLK is already in the lead (!) by 51 points (!!) and we still have zero (!!!). In case you all didn't notice, that's bad. Mind you, I'll probably be reccing medals for those in HMR who participated, so you'll are going to want to get moving. And I want to see you moving. NOW. People need to post in the run-on especially. The summit has been the only ones posting. Beams at Trev So get out there! Or I will beat you into submission. Several times. If that's even physically possible. If not, I'll just wait to wake up and beat you again. Then hang you by your entrails. You get the idea. Even if you're a gamer, everyone should be able to write up something for the poetry comp, but that doesn't mean don't put any effort into it. Or BURRRRRRRN!

Roster & Awards

Alright, there were a bunch of medals, I'm not going to go through them all right now though, but congrats to those who earned them. We did loose, Sai, so that sucks.

DJK Raven

DJK Shuang Long

DJM Shan Long

GRD Joseem Muruuch

GRD Imperial

PRT Draco Barakis

PRT Rector

APP Truculence


Alright, there is one thing I want you all to be focusing on! THE FEUD!!!!!


Raven's Random Ramblings

The HRLD office has been moving nicely, and there will be things up in coming months that you all are going to like. That's really it for now. I did get myself a new coat, real leather too. It looks like its from the matrix :P

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