Consul Report


Consul Report

Warriors & Scholars of Scholae Palatinae,

Another week has passed over the Clan - seven days - and it has been punctuated by active discussion, participation and the continuous drive that is necessary for our continued success as a Family. Have we attained our end-goal? No, not yet. However, we are advancing at a rapid pace and building upon our achievements from each previous week... and that, that is something each of you should take pride in.

Now let us take a look at the Clan over the past week...

New Members

As a member advances in the Brotherhood... they often find a niche or place within their group. Somewhere that best utilizes their abilities, skills and dedication. The farther one advances the exact potential of that member becomes clearer... more focused. And the most beautiful thing as a Family is that we all get to share in the success and drive of our fellow members. This unlimited potential is what makes new recruits so exciting... their potential to help change and shape the Clan.

So let us welcome our newest members to the Clan...

APP Elliot Krayt of Acclivis Draco

APP Morsus Slyme of Caliburnus

APP Shin Tzu of Caliburnus

GRD Gaius Octavianus (Max)

Welcome to the Royal Clan - you are now part of the family!

Scholar of the Week

The Shadow Academy is a great tool and asset to further one's understanding of the Brotherhood, The Expanded Star Wars Universe and Leadership within the Brotherhood. In the early stages (APP, NOV, ACO) it can be a useful tool to explain the basic elements of the DJB. For the older members it is simply a way to expand their own, working knowledge base.


Those brave enough to attempt one course this past week: Malaki, Undi-Yata, Ood Bnar Sythrae, Kyane Colten, Kyane Colten. However, there can only be one 'Scholar of the Week' and that title belongs to Maximus Raidoner Mandalore whom completed the advanced course of Photoshop!

Notable Feats

Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine, ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae, was recently (like yesterday) awarded for his activity, participation and drive in helping shape the future of this Clan. For his tremendous efforts it was my honor to award him a medal he had not yet received.. a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. Congrats on your Merit Medal, Phoebird!


Internet-Relay Chat (IRC) is the second (after e-mail) most accessible asset/tool within the Dark Brotherhood (DB). As a new member in the DB, IRC can provide you with real-time answers to real-time problems/questions. In fact, I was once a new member that spent countless hours on this chat service picking the minds of my Quaestor and Aedile for every facet of the Clan and DB.

Download mIRC:

Our Server: Undernet

Our Channel: #Scholae

DB IRC Guide:

Download it today, come join us!

DB Wiki

To access a cache of information concerning characters, Orders, Clans and a multitude of other things... one can simply access the Brotherhood sponsored Wikipedia (titled "DB Wiki"). So join in the fun and begin to explore the greater fictional and actual information of the club today!

DB Wiki:


CSP Prospectus:

On the Horizon

The completion of the House Feud - That is right folks, our House versus House feud is drawing to a conclusion. All final events will close on 12/10/2006 with all awards/results out by 12/15/2006 (at the latest).

Clan Planetary Descriptions - The initial steps have been taken to begin the brain storming process... once Phoebird and a few others have some more concrete ideas... they will go to Conclave!

Roles of the Summit - The roles of each Summit member are currently under review... we are looking to organize the duties/tasks/reports of each member to provide a more coherent, functioning system of leadership.


Family. We are no greater than the sum of all of our parts. If you want this Clan to be the greatest, you must put forth the personal effort before you can demand it of other individuals. This Clan leads by example, not necessarily by dictates or rules. So... if you are unhappy with the current situation of the Clan.. step forward and participate when you are called upon.

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kunar

Consul of Clan Scholae Palatiane

Braecen Kunar (Krath Epis) / CON / Clan Scholae Palatinae

SB / GC / SC-SoP / StA-MO / DC-LC-R / (GNB) / (BN) / Cr-1D-8R-17A-19S-7E-5T / ECF / CF-BlF-RF-GF-PF-SF / DSS-QK-QL / SI-SoW-SoL / SoL / LSP / S:-2R-18Al-19D

{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AL - L:PRH}

You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...

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