Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Gooooooood morning Vietnam!!! Again, not much is happening in the DB this week, other than some SA and ACC stuff, so I'll explain that. There's about a million competitions in the ACC, so if you can, check them out. The Shadow Academy is looking better than ever, so mosey on over and try to take a course or two, helps with promotion requirements significantly.

In Hex, there's also not much going on, mainly because I've been busy lately :( . In the next week and a half, I'll be studying for finals, so it'll be tough for me to keep up with everything.

Now for everyone's favorite:

Krath Tetrarch Hel-Pa Sklib: Legion of the Scholar

Krath Tyro Vodo Biask: Crescent with Emerald Star

Krath Tyro Betja Jun: N/A

Sith Flight Leader Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius: N/A

Sith Flight Member DarkAmiz: N/A

Obelisk Trooper Nightbull: N/A

Krath Tyro Raistline Majere: N/A

Later all, sorry for the short report, really busy today.

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