Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

RevengeX sat down in his office swivel chair (yay for swivel rolley chairs!) and looked down at the piece of paper that lay in front of him and then looked at his datapad. The Quaestor knew that he had to write and send out a report, but he wanted to play the newest arcade game, Pong. The game had several levels and the enjoyment lasted several hours until one's fingers got very sore and tired. 'Wow, this has to be one of the most difficult decisions I've ever had to make...' mused the Archpriest as he looked at one item to the other. 'Ah well, I'll write my report later.' He picked up the datapad and booted up the program. Instantly, obnoxious game noises and background music were emitted from the datapad's speakers and the Palpatine had a big grin on his face as he hit each button with the accuracy of a professional. After several hours and aching thumbs, the Quaestor put the datapad down and picked up a pen. "Ouch," he said aloud as pain shot through his thumbs from picking up the pen. 'Well, report time.' He moved the piece of paper closer to him, and began to write...


The House Feud will conclude in a few days, so get those posts and entries submitted! A big thank you goes out to all the HADers who've participated. To those who haven't yet: there's still a couple more days to get moving! :D And a big round of applause to the members of Drynwyn's Flame: each of them has contributed to the House Feud in one way or another! clap clap clap


The House Feud is coming to a close! While there's still time left, post in the run-on, submit to the competitions, and/or play games! Rasilvenaira has resigned her post of Clan Envoy and applications are now being accepted for that position! If you're interested and fulfill the requirements for pandas, go ahead and apply (ask me for a recommendation if you need some and I'll reply to you about that ASAP)! HAD is only seven points ahead of HC, so let's get moving!


As stated in the email sent out, applications for the position of Assistant Envoy of HAD or Super Panda (just kidding :P) are being accepted by Ood and myself! Applications are due by December 15th (meaning no applications will be accepted on December 15th no matter how great they are). The decision will be announced on the 15th or the 16th. The House Run-on for the Feud will be concluded on the morning of December 11th, so post, post, and keep posting so that we can start wrapping it up. Members of HAD should have received Ood's "run-on challenge:" making it to 100 replies in the House Feud run-on. Pandas!

[From my previous report: "In other news, I will try to give constructive criticism to all writing competition entries and ACC battles. That means, send your writing competition entries and links to any ACC battle (doesn't have to be completed or judged yet) over this way so that I can both: 1) note your activity, and 2) give you constructive criticism so that next time, you'll get second place instead of third. If you would not like to receive constructive criticism at all, please notify me and I will honor that wish. I do not like to force things too much."] <- This is still in effect, so if you want me to give constructive criticism, send it my way.


Ever had one of those days when you just wanted to scream to the world and shout a challenge to the PTB (Powers That Be), completely ignoring what may happen to your life? Well, even if you have or have not, many people have (including myself). These days are by far some of the worst days in one's life, but it's important that we renew our lust for the feeling of victory and success so that we can continue to struggle to reach our goals. Everyone has their own personal goals. Be it to become CEO of a company, be promoted in the DJB, learn how to ride a bike, it doesn't matter as long as we continue to see those goals and realize their importance to us. It's difficult to think about our goals when we have an "off" day, and it's difficult to think about our goals when we have an "on" day. But, I cannot stress the importance of keeping those goals in one's sight enough because that is all we have in this world. No one will achieve those goals for you - you have to conquer them yourself (possibly with some help here and there).

As House Acclivis Draco, one of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood's best cohesive units, we have our own goals as a team. Each player helps form and push the team toward its goals. What are our goals? With all due seriousness, our goal is to be recognized as the best unit within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. We may only prove this by staying as a team, a family, through thick, thin and what ever is in between, even if we have "those days." As a family, it is important to see our goals and to strive as a single entity towards them. If we become separated, would we still be able to see our true goal? I sincerely doubt it. Mostly because we would be so concerned about staying together or pushing the other half away.

As House Acclivis Draco, it is our duty to help the bigger family we belong to: Clan Scholae Palatinae. But we are not alone in helping this Clan, we have a sibling: House Caliburnus, whom attempts the impossible and strives for the high bar. CSP has shown its worth through contributions from both Houses: achievements include the Independence Games and Capital Gains (some of you younger folks may not remember those). In reality, CSP is the family and we are the family members: we may become jealous, feared, angry, hateful, disgusting creatures, but as long as we forgive one another and remain the familial unit that CSP has always been recognized for, everything'll be alright.

By the way, this sounds like inspiration's knocking on my door. ;)


Post your ideas on the thread in the House forum for pandas, http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=3614, or send an email to my end.

-House Wiki Page Updates + HAD-related pages

-Fictional Battle Team Roles

-Expanding the House's Fictional History

-Antenora: In-Depth


-Post-feud "What if" monthly competitions

-Post-feud House description development competitions

-Pandas are cool competitions (Just kidding... or so you think :P)


-Congrats to Dakari on his Anteian Cross!

-Congrats to myself on my new panda! (LOL.)

-Go vote in the two new polls concerning ID lines!

-Congrats to Kalak Ragnos for his perfect score in History of the Sith Empire I and promotion to Novice!

-I'd like to thank Rasilvenaira StormRaven, Adam Anderson, Laurus and Ood Bnar Sythe'rae, and everyone who's posted, for their work in the House Feud run-on! Thank you for all the effort you've put into it!

-Good luck to everyone in the ACC Eraser Competition and Third Championship Ladder! We may need it. :)

Have a great week everyone! By the way, I will have a report out two weeks from now; I'm not going too far away for the holidays. I get to stick around and be all QUA-ish! Muahahahahaha! (Pandas are awesome.)


P.S. Kudos to anyone who can find out how many time I used the word "panda" in this report. ;)

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