Aedile Report


Aedile Report

And now the Holiday edition. As Kraval mentioned in his report about a week ago(should be exactly if I’m not mistaken.) these reports will become much more frequent. Actually, they’ll be weekly, as Kraval, again, mentioned, though I’ll be letting him go more in depth, especially with the promo board and competition listing(I’ll still tell you guys about the comps, but I’ll let him do the reminding :-p)

Dark Brotherhood News:

I figured out what Duga’s been doing all this time. He’s been updating the entire DB Order of Battle(including Starfighter contingents AND ground forces), and converting it into one really big word doc. <

Linkage(Its actually kinda cool...check it out)

Cotelin, Jac Cotelin;

It’s actually quite self explanatory….kinda sorta. There’s a new writing competition going on until January 3rd, 2007. Write a 2 to 3 page story about the Jac as a Bond-like character. Send entries to Jac and Sarin by Jan. 3rd…got it?

Extra details here

Erin’s Holiday Competition is still going. Just about a week to get those entries to her. It ends Dec. 31st.

Even more details!

The latest Dark Voice has been released:

Calling all DJK+ Sith Pilots! We have new robes/armor! Yes, Muz is still at it, constantly bringing more cool robes and awesome lightsabers. Check out the new batch with the Lightsaber and Robe Constructions Tools on your admin menu. They’re sexy…trust me.

I have something to say in detail later, about this, but the SIT’s(Sunday Invitational Tournaments) still take place every other Sunday. Like I said…more later.

DB news:

Clan Taldryan News:

Not much happening here this time(unless I missed something, check the Tal news page to make sure)

House Dinaari News:

Actually this is just about the same as the Tally news, not much save the rejuvenated and redoubled presence of our QUA, and a few promotions, which I will mention now.

Congrats to Vladik on his Promotions to Acolyte and then to Protector.

Congrats to Vex on his Promotion to Novice.

Also congrulations to Illian on his Promotion to Jedi Hunter.

Keep up the good work.

The Rant:

All that said, I’m now going to say something about the SIT’s. The SIT is a biweekly competition made up of the participants of the previous two weeks of gaming nights. The top three participants in the SIT receive crescents. It’s been a while since I felt it necessary to…”scold”, so to speak, my clanmates about participation(those of you that were here when I was a GRD or so may remember) and I probably should’ve done it sooner, so…here we go.

Now, Taldryan always pulls through when its reputation is directly on the line(reference GJW 6 if you have doubt.), but it seems that the R and R that Kraval and I awarded the House has…gone on longer than it should have. I was disappointed to see another week without a single Taldryan name on the list of SIT qualifiers. Its actually not that hard to qualify. During the two weeks of gaming nights leading up to the SIT if you play against three different members who are not in your clan(non-Taldry….ites….? get the picture), then you’re in! These gaming nights include, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday nights(the Sundays that are not SIT’s) as well as the ICTE on Saturday. I would REALLY like to see more Taldryan names show up. Dinaari has a rich history in gaming(our current QUA, for those who don’t know, basically gave himself carpal tunnel to ensure Taldryan’s victory in the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy, and in the process ended up single handedly scoring more points than every other CLAN except second place)its high-time that this house, and all of Taldryan reminds the DB that we’re still here and kicking! It’s time to wake up and let them know we’re still here! Now let the other clans know who is still NUMBER 1 in the Brotherhood!!!


The Summit has awakened and its time for the House to do the same. It shouldn’t have taken this long to get back into things, but somehow it did and now things are finally speeding back up. Please accept our(the summit’s) apologies for our lack of vigor. Now is the time when we dust off our heels and ride back into the battle. Do what you can, I understand that RL happens, especially now during the holidays, but if you have a half an hour or so, log on and find some to pwn…it’ll always help, and, when it becomes frequent enough, suddenly names start popping up on the SIT list, then before you know it we have members who place and earn themselves crescents in addition to all the CF’s you’ll get, and it snowballs from there, and pretty soon the other clans don’t know what to do.

Okay, I’m done. As always, if you have ANY questions, email Kraval and I, or try and catch us on IRC. Have a safe and very Happy Holiday. Till next time…

For Taldryan!!!

DJK Apollyon “Odium” Dinaarius

Aedile of House Dinaari

Defender of Dinaari

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