Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Report #31

The “Shards of the Past” run-on is winding down. Participation has dwindled but I want each of you that has been involved, especially if you are a Horseman, to make at least one post. Ricco is back and will assist greatly because the major adversary is someone from his past. Though the run-on technically ends soon, do not fret, we will continue it until it reaches a proper ending. To keep you from having to read the many, many posts I will provide a synopsis below so that you can make a meaningful post with less effort.

We have tracked Darth Nukleuz to Chappa Four, a mining colony. He is mining a Force crystal somewhere beneath the surface. An android based upon Baron Zarco (they are not on good terms) is running part of the facility. Further, a bounty hunter named Karrsk (a Trandoshan – very old; head like an alligator) found the crystal for Darth Nukleuz and is presumably still lurking in his service.

It’s time to get into the mines, find Nukleuz, raise some Hell and get that crystal. We have already dealt with the Tenloss, stolen their cloaking device and laid waste to their facility in the Vergesso Asteroids. Let’s keep it rolling.

Once we finish this run-on with style, we will address the other run-on over in the Shadow Academy. (One major run-on event at a time. :P)

The reports will go back to being in character but, for this one, and clarity’s sake, I did it out of character. Now go get in that run-on!

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