Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

Happy New Year Everyone! 2006 brought us many changes in the Dark Brotherhood and 2007 is sure to bring us more. If anything, I am excited about the new changes and developments and I hope you are too. <p> This report covers the major projects that I am working on or have completed. Two months ago I became your DGM and since then I have spent a lot of my time talking with the membership. The most often repeated topic is meaning and purpose.<p> People want to participate and have fun and they want their actions to have results. The upcoming RoS, GJW, and Fleet reset are all built with that in mind. Your actions in the RoS will directly affect your starting point in the GJW, your placing in the GJW will directly affect your points in the Fleet Reset, and your Fleet will directly affect the next GJW. <p>In addition to the cause and affect design of these events is a focus on the membership. Competitions like the RoS are designed to determine the supremacy of individuals and Clans based on their performance. I think it is about time we start making these individuals and Clans the focus of the story. If you come out and dominate a RoS or a GJW...then you are going to be the hero of that story...and if you come out and fall flat on your face...then your Clan is going to suffer the consequences. <p> I am hoping we have a lot of fun this year and I am going to work my ass off to get us there. /me end rant<p>

<p> Antei: The Antei project is completed. It contains sexy fictional information that can help supplement your own fiction. You can find it here: Antei System. <p> GMRG: The GMRG is changing, again. My bottom line in redesign: Create a multiplayer gaming society that encourages participation in gaming by awarding members based off of objective criteria. The GMRG is a gaming society and should be available to all gamers. The new system is not a society in the traditional terms, but instead a motivational tool for members to game. System Highlights:<p> 1. Award Loyalty based on gaming awards.

  1. Award Dossier Perks for gaining ranks.

  2. Honor the work of current GMRG members by granting them carry over points. <p> Wiki Crackdown: Kaine and the Wiki Crew have created several tags to help clean up the DB Wiki. If you see a Bad Formatting, Confusing, Does It Exist, Under Construction, Deletion, Over Linked, Quality, Imageless, Very Long, or Under Linked tag on your Wiki entry, you need to make changes. Speak with Kaine or any of the Wiki staff members for clarification. <p>RoS Appetite for Destruction: Dark portents have become clear within the Force as the Clans of the Dark Brotherhood continue their never ending struggle for supremacy. In early March 2007 the Dark Brotherhood will come together to determine who is supreme in both individual and Clan competitions. Competitions will include ACC Events, A Debate Tournament, Fiction Tournament, Battle Plan Tournament, and a Multiplayer Gaming Ladders. <p> <p><b_GJW_: War! The GJW will be conducted as a War-game on a Map that will offer surprises, challenges, and possibly destruction for the Clans of the Dark Brotherhood. Clans will determine their storyline, their fate, and their success in every event. Unlike past GJWs, the heroes of this event will truly be the heroes of this event. No more insular DC storylines. The DC will be there, but as supporting characters only. Stay tuned. <p> Fleet Reset: The Dark Brotherhood will conduct a Fleet Reset to upgrade and modernize her forces following the GJW. Clans will be given points based on their performance in the GJW and will have the opportunity to spend them on new fleets. This event is scheduled to follow immediately after the GJW.
    <p> Nice Work: Raken on getting SW. Dalthid on getting DJM. Raven on getting Priest. Brujah on getting SBM. Eldrad Sin on getting Warrior. Thran on getting SBM. Trouty on getting the RS. Muz on doing all the bad ass graphics work. Donitz for fixing the circle x Antei impossibilities. Oberst on writing interesting reports. Lucius for busting his ass as T:G. Great work everyone! </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

I just love it when all the reports come out!!!!

btw, I like this idea that the events and wars will actually start taking a precident in this site.


Very long wiki articles are awesome!

sounds great, thank you for the Report :)

Awesome...someone actually reads my reports.

of course I read it.

When the DGM speaks, people listen, or something along those lines.


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