Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

HOO Rollmaster Report #5

Dark Greetings Oriens Obscurum,

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I have had a busy week. Started Unit 7 of my University course and discovered that I didn’t have PowerPoint on my bloody computer (as I needed). So I ended up ordering it next day delivery on Amazon UK. When I got it the next day, I had to kick myself in the blooming arse as I found out that I got the wrong thing. I had got PowerPoint training material, wasn’t what I wanted but I kept it anyway as it would prove to be useful later on. Anyway, I had to pay my brother twenty quid to drive me down to PC World. He will do anything for money as he is always broke! I just wished I had given him another tenner to turn his blasted Hardcore Drum and Bass music down. So, I eventually brought PowerPoint for my PC, and the whole world was set right again. The End

Well that’s enough about my crazy world. Let’s get back to our one. This report covers what has happened over the past seven days (5th to the 12th).

New Members

APP Naius

Departing Members

DJK Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae transfers to House Tridens (Clan Tarentum)


Bran Redmow is promoted from Guardian to Jedi Hunter


JH JScumm: Cluster of Fire (CF) x 9

PRT Aidyn: Crescent with Amethyst Star (A)

PRT Fionn: Cluster of Fire (CF) x 1

SA Exams

None this week


Odin has stepped down as Aedile


No concluded battles to report this week

Master/Student Pairings

Arcona Promotion Guide, Guide for Journeymen.

I have still have yet to e-mail all you NOV’s and ACO’s, but fret not, as you friendly neighbourhood Sand Person will be e-mailing you soon!!


The Arcona Competitions Listing

I also have a special treat for you all. I have my first ever competition below, so go make a Tusken Raider happy and take a whack at it!!!

_Title: [HOO] Death

Requested By: DJK Ashura "Megos" Isradia

Specifics: Write a short fiction (a minimum of two pages) on the theme of death and involving your character's past.

Entries will judged on:


Character development


The top story will be awarded 4th level crescent

Start Date: 1/11/2007

End Date: 1/18/2007

Unit in Competition: House Oriens Obscurum

Platforms: Word doc. or any other notepad

Awards: 4th level crescent

Comments: This competition has been approved by the House Summit.

Please send your entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

This week lucky highlighted member is going to be **_Bran Redmow_, for getting promoted to the rank of _Jedi Hunter!!!**_

Before I finish this report, I would just like to take a moment to say “farewell” and “good luck” to our good friend, Odin. I am sure I speak for everyone on this. Let’s send him off with Ruby’s favourite tune:

_Swing low, sweet chariot,

Coming for to carry me home,

Swing low, sweet chariot,

Coming for to carry me home.

I'm sometimes up and sometimes down,

Comin' for to carry me home,

But still my soul feels heavenly bound

Comin' for to carry me home!

Swing low, sweet chariot,

Coming for to carry me home,

Swing low, sweet chariot,

Coming for to carry me home._

(OK, so it wasn’t the whole song, but I think everyone gets the point.)

Remember! Feel free to e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] if you have any questions or queries at all.

In Darkness,

DJK Ashura Isradia

Rollmaster/Envoy of Oriens Obscurum

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