Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Well, I figure it's about darn time that this report comes out.

Lots of business to conduct so lets get right to it.

Ashura has been appointed Aedile. There were some very strong candidates and this was a very welcome sight. I feel that each of you who applied can distinguish themselves in the upcoming events and I'm glad to have you here.

With Ashura's move Drodik has been invested with the Rollmaster's duties. There's a passion for making things better here, and I'm sure that it will rub off as he starts to leave his mark in the new office.

In consultation with the CON and PCON I have decided to close down our third battle team. We've got to concentrate our activity, why spread people across three teams and dillute our strength. To that end I have filled the teams to capacity, with a mixture of individuals, some old and some new.

This is not forever and I'm sure that soon we shall be three in number again.

In short, some big changes, but really, only things that should benifit us in both the short and longer term.

You can also look forward to a stricter adherance to getting reports to you, the house, out. Perhaps on a rotational biweekly basis Ashura and I can switch off, as I'm sure the thought of reading similar news from a different perspective every week doesn't hearten anybody.

To this end, RM reports and BTL reports are asked to be in by midnight Friday of each successive week.

FEUD IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quaestor Alex

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