Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Children of the Sword,

The trifling and audacious actions of our Rival clan have grown more concerning with each passing day. At the advice of the Consul and Proconsul, House Caliburnus has been locked down. The Arconan scum that we find ourselves attempting to exterminate have made this Feud personal. Three infiltrators violated our hangar attempting to sabotage the personal craft of all the Clan Summit. I hope that you are equally disgusted by this attempt. The gall…

Monthly Focus

If you haven’t learned by now, the Feud is entering its second week. Though the first Fiction event has wrapped up, there are more opportunities at hand. This week features several new events and new plot twists. The Gaming events will continue though out the entire Conflict. So you Gamers out there find an Arconan and beat the piss out of them!

Here are the new events for the week.

Event 6: [Graphic] Premonition of War

Duration: Week 1 & 2

Specifics: Submissions to be sent to Braecen ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) & Strategos ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

Create an image of an event that has already occurred in the story, or you believe will occur as events unfold. All mediums of art are acceptable - content, however, must be appropriate or will risk expulsion from event.

Award: 2nd Level Crescents

Scoring: Entries will be judged according to the following scale:

Overall quality of graphics: 25

Stays with topic: 10

Ingenuity: 10

Title/ID Line 5

Total: 50

Event 7: [Long Fiction] Investigation


Week 2 & 3


3 page minimum, 10 page maximum - submissions to be sent to Braecen ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) & Strategos ([Log in to view e-mail addresses] ).

Clan members are to investigate the mysterious circumstances behind the assassination attempt on the Consuls of Arcona & Scholae Palatinae. Members are encouraged, to seek out a guilty culprit through any means/strategy they deem acceptable.


1st Level Crescents



Stays with topic:20

Quality of plot/characters:40

Overall assessment:25

Title/ID Line5


Top 5 placers: 100-80-60-40-20… sliding scale if top 20% is greater than 5 (if over 25 participants)… i.e. 20% = 6, thus: 120-100-80-60-40-20 bonus points


The yet to be release event 8: Caption Competition.


Regretably, PRT Brijha Mortashka has left our house for Clan Plagueis. It was nice having her while we did. DJM Niemand Machweg has come back to the fold to sponsor a RPG event. Personally, I am a huge fan of RPGs and In-character talk (Partly cause my RL sucks pretty bad…Damned winter…). There are some select groups running covert missions. This should be lots of fun. While it is too late to sign up now, keep your eyes open; More is sure to come.

I have seen many gamers out there going at it. At times like these it is extremely difficult to monitor what you are all up to. I do know one thing, however. More Participation wouldn’t hurt!

I have seen several emails bounce into my mailbox concerning Shadow Academy Courses. While notifications from the Shadow Academy are always a welcome sight, I am really hoping to see some more involvement in the feud. Spend some time, Game for an Hour, write a few pages, keep up with things. CSP has lots riding on this conflict, mostly our Pride. This event also gives us some time to warm up for the RoS (Rites of Supremacy) and GJW (Great Jedi War) that are coming up in the near future. As our fictional timeframe is plugging along through the years, more changes are sure to come. Currently, the Brotherhood sits in 25 ABY. For you die-hard fans out there…Something ought to be coming from the Unknown Regions soon.

Feuds like this may seem pointless to many of you, but they really tell us about ourselves. I know this Clan and this house are extremely strong.

The point of this lecture is to get you on your toes. I know maintaining a gigantic river of activity can be very difficult, but every little bit will help our clan in all the endeavors and trying times that we are going to be future. The truth of the matter is…A Clan is only as strong as its weakest Apprentice. All you Equites and Journeymen out there take the time to look. For those of you who aren’t sure where to look, please ask me! I know my ravishing good looks can be really intimidating but I don’t bite (Unless you are into that kinda thing). My mailbox and my ears are always open…If something is bothering you, if you are confused about something (Like me, most of the time), or you just need someone to talk to; I am your man. My email is [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Use it!!!!

Behind the scenes:

So, the Caliburnus Run-on has wrapped up, right…And Somehow I got duped into editing and spellchecking the thing! I have been at it for 2 weeks and I am not even half way…We managed to make over 70 pages of material! I think the aim was 50 pages…Impressive work (Or depressive in my case :P)

I also have a few machinations going around hoping to make our House Environment generally better. This includes a map of our facility, so you all know what it looks like where we live! I admit, in the time of conflict like this, it is extraordinarily difficult to keep up with all my side projects. Hopefully I will have some time to work on some projects in the breather between the larger events. As usual, if you have any requests or ideas…Share them with me! I would love to get some of your ideas out onto the house floor.

Random Thoughts:

I have been expanding my personal history and came across this…I thought you Sith out there would like it…

"A bold claim, but you are not Sith. You wear the trappings of the Sith, you fight like the Sith… but this can be imitated, however. You lack a vital quality found in all Sith. Sith have no fear, and I sense much fear in you."

Darth Tyranus Aka Count Dooku

Think about it…What do you fear, Sithling?

The answer should be like the sounds of Alderaan…Nothing

Untill Next week!

Darkfully Yours,

SBM Thran Occasus (Sith)/QUA/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]

GC / SC-SoF / AC-ToSH / DC-BP / GN / Cr-2A-4S-5E-2T-2Q / CF-GF / SI / SoL / LS-AgL / S:-5Al-3D

{SA: KS: ToL - AS - AIM - IRC - IRO - GL - LA - ACC - CM - PS - D: KCORE - FA - MED - KP - GS - O: SCORE - ST - ISET - ESET - K: OCORE - TS - LS}

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