Headmaster Report


Headmaster Report

Before you read this, go play for the ORW if you can. See Karel’s post for details

The Run-ons and Trivia

They are done. We actually had two run-ons go all the way to the end. All in all, I learned from this event, which was one of the goals. I learned that some, though not a lot, of plot overview and direction is beneficial to events like a run-on. My next Dark Voice article will provide some closure to the whole thing. With some larger events coming up, the Academy will take a break from the larger competitions. We will still do trivia. Speaking of trivia, congrats to Merlance, Phoenix, and Vladek for winning this past week’s trivia (Merlance took first; Phoenix and Vladek tied for 2nd).

A broken record…

Unfortunately, and I hate to keep saying this, but Dranik’s internet, as far as I know, is still messed up (Dranik was busy with family stuff this weekend, on top of work, so he couldn’t get to his computer). Much of it is working, but he is having trouble with his e-mail, still. This means that we’re still delayed with Sith Empire III. But, it will get up as soon as possible; that much I promise (even if I have to drag Dranik to my dorm room and make him code it here :P ). Once he gets Sith Empire III up, I will begin taking official course proposals again, as everything that is left from the massive load I had are the Core rewrites, which are proceeding along nicely enough. If you’ve been waiting to talk to me about a course, get familiar with the course proposal guidelines. We’re going to follow them step by step.

SA Wiki

Korras has done a lot of work on the Shadow Academy wiki pages and he told me last night he’s got some more work to do. Go take a look, though, at what he’s done so far. There’ll more to come from time to time.

2700… almost

As I write this, I’ve been Headmaster for 11 months. In that time, almost 2700 courses have been passed. That is pretty damn good and a major reason why the Shadow Academy has been doing so well. Of course, the release of the new courses over these past several months has helped :P

Rite of Supremacy and Great Jedi War

All I can say is just start preparing yourself for these events. They should be good and they’re a great time to be active, have fun, earn medals, earn promotions, and in general, to do what it is we do here.

*Conclusion and Summary *

Things at the Academy have slowed down a bit due to circumstances largely beyond our control. However, we’re still getting things done. You have to remember, each and every one of us is part of a team here, and sometimes my projects, which have received a lot of attention in the past, have to take a back seat to other projects for the time being. So, to recap:

• Run-ons done; trivia still going on every week

• Dranik’s ISP hates the world

• SA wiki has been worked on

• RoS and GJW coming up: stay alert for more details in the future.

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