Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

HAD House Roster

129 Dark Jedi Master Nathaniel

3153 Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

236 Epis Adam Anderson

7898 Epis Karva Dronaal

288 Archpriest Rhaub D'ar Aghasett Palpatine

3491 Archpriest RevengeX Palpatine

4601 Battlemaster Dakari

1845 Priest Exodius

4438 Priest Uzbad Zol Tamalar

4855 Priest Aerick Executus Harbinger

5951 Priest Impetus

6390 Priest Siyavash Kaida

4792 Templar Lucien Peregrinus

3317 Dark Jedi Knight Ood Bnar Sythe'rae

4835 Dark Jedi Knight Korbin

6041 Jedi Hunter Laurus

7487 Jedi Hunter Libra Tzo

7610 Jedi Hunter Gavan

8149 Guardian Kel Tavik

8199 Guardian Norrik Karn

8215 Guardian Arual Semaj

7118 Protector Rector

8232 Protector Undi-Yata

8307 Protector Kalak Ragnos

6650 Acolyte Boba nil

8428 Acolyte Dreamer

8459 Acolyte Azi Dahaka

8216 Novice YuReS

8227 Novice Kyane Colten

8337 Novice Drak Omas

8352 Novice Vanuka

8381 Novice Kale Barade

8408 Novice Sauni Demai

8368 Apprentice matt

8443 Apprentice zelev rotceh

8444 Apprentice Atatchi

8461 Apprentice Bopo Lolo

Master Student stuff

I wanted to make the HAD 70th Rollmaster report a nice and cosy one, however i can't.

I n my regards, the MSP is 'Theoretically' perfect. However, I emphasise the word 'theoretical'. We have a good foundation, but we should sit on our laurels. The site idea is great, when will it be in place?

Also I suggest sending out information to the members above DJK, we have willing students and a good system. But that isn't enough! We need masters who are actively engaged in the process as well. RevengeX asked me to give my view on the MSP at the moment. My view is that, regardless of a select group of active masters, the rest just sits there. I can't give you a reason for this on a golden plate. However, I can, through this medium send you my reservations. We need to get actively involved members willingly to master a student to actually do so.

Pairing 1:

236 Epis Adam Anderson

8215 Guardian Arual Semaj

Pairing 2:

4520 Epis Braecen Kunar

8459 Acolyte Azi Dahaka

7610 Jedi Hunter Gavan

Pairing 3:

3153 Pontifex Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

7487 Jedi Hunter Libra Tzo

Pairing 4:

4601 Battlemaster Dakari

8199 Guardian Norrik Karn

Pairing 5:

5951 Priest Impetus

7453 Jedi Hunter Malaki

Pairing 6:

3612 Battlelord Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine

8149 Guardian Kel Tavik

Pairing 7:

3491 Archpriest RevengeX Palpatine

8307 Protector Kalak Ragnos

These where the official Pairings involving HAD members. If you're on this list: email me ASAP.

Promising Students:


Promising Masters


Both masters and students need to get in touch with me!

Ood Bnar Sythe'rae

DJK Ood Bnar Sythe'rae (Krath)/RM-EP-DV/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [PA: SNTRY] [KSOE: ENV] [ACC: CL:1]

SC / AC-ToSL / DC-CP / GN / BN-BL / Cr-1A-3S-3E-1T-2Q / DSS-BL / LS-PL / S:-1 0D

{SA: MVN - KS: ToL - AS - ToS - ICQ - IRC - IRO - MSN - GL - LA - LF - LP - HTML1 - ACC - CM - D: KCORE - TW - FA - FP - HS1 - HSII - PRH - MED - RO - GS - O: SCORE - ST - ESET - AST - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}

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