Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

JH JScumm #7764
Pandragon Commander
House Oriens Obscurum
Clan Arcona

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Greetings Pandragon members,

As promised, this is my second report as Pandragon commander. I just realized that for BTL, I only have to report one every two weeks, so I will make my report bi-weekly from now on. You can expect my third report in the next two weeks.

I have sent e-mail to the members to be trained, so far I only got one reply (JS sighs). Please respond to my e-mail so I know that you are ready to learn your path as a Journeymen.

The Rite of Supremacy (Ros) is over. Thanks to all who participated and made Arcona stands strong in 3rd place. Congrats to our CON-MAN Strat and also to QUA Galeres, our friendly neighbourhood, Malidir, for placing 1st and 3rd respectively in RoS MP gaming. Woot!

Our house summits, QUA Alex, AED Ashura and RM Drodik are doing AWOL check until mid April. So please send e-mail to them and let them know that you're still alive and ready for some action! Or else you will be moved to the Rogues


I will only be listing the ones that refer to our BT here. None so far, but I have competition in my mind that will be released soon. So prepare yourself. It should be easy and fun though :)




Kant Lavar: Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech, Capital Starship. Great job!


JScumm: CFs x6, Seal of Dominance x3. Yay! :P


Desdemonea: 3 wins, 1 loss. Impressive!


Nope. But you will if you complete your task(s) below


I have compiled the tasks for the 9 members to be accomplished according to their rank as per Arcona promotion guidelines, so without further ado here are the tasks:

APP Stoud: by doing ONE of the following task you will be promoted to NOVICE. Register and post in the BT message board, create your Dark Jedi history, pass two SA Exams.

APP Seer: by doing ONE of the following task you will be promoted to NOVICE. Register and post in the BT message board, create your Dark Jedi history, pass two SA Exams.

APP Loyde: by doing ONE of the following task you will be promoted to NOVICE. Register and post in the BT message board, create your Dark Jedi history, pass two SA Exams.

APP Snake: by doing ONE of the following task you will be promoted to NOVICE. Register and post in the BT message board, create your Dark Jedi history, pass two SA Exams.

NOV Kant Lavar: Create your Dark Jedi history

_NOV Niall Terrik _: Register and post in the BT message board, and do ONE of the following: pass 4 SA exams, submitting to a competition or playing a multiplayer match

ACO Zeke: Create your Dark Jedi history, register and post in the BT message board, participate in at least 4 activities

ACO Qu-Le Brog: Create your Dark Jedi history, register and post in the BT message board, participate in at least 2 activities, pass 4 SA exams

PRT Sight Nortorshin: participate in at least 8 activities


Sith Commander JScumm

Sith Flight Member Stoud

Sith Flight Member Seer

Sith Flight Member snake

Sith Flight Leader Neophyte

Obelisk Trooper Kant Lavar

Sith Flight Member Zeke

Sith Flight Member Qu-Le Brog

Sith Flight Leader Desdemonea

Krath Tyro Sight Nortorshin

Obelisk Trooper Niall Terrik

Krath Tyro Loyde


Arcona Website

Promotion Guidelines

IRC Guide

Pandragon Messageboard


I just want all of you to be active, but I will never ask you to do something impossible. I don’t expect you to be on here every single day, but what I do expect is try to accomplish your task one at a time and to keep in touch with your fellow BT members. If you have problem or need assistance or perhaps any ideas you can always send e-mail to me or to the flight leaders. We are here for you. That's all.
I hope to see more activities in my 3rd report in the next two weeks. Be active and have fun!

In darkness,

JH JScumm (Sith)/CMDR/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

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