Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Phoenix Phyle Report #1

Dark Jedi Knight Vodo Biask sifted through the week’s accumulated junk and mail, sorting out what was important, and what wasn’t. After discovering some long overdue orders from a superior, Vodo rushed to finish the project, and then returned to his new found duties as Sergeant of Phoenix. His good bye party from the Hex Battleteam had been short, but even now, several days later, he was still suffering from the side effects of some drink Guardian, and new Tetrarch, Joshman had figured would be funny to give him.

The Sergeant compiled all the news of the past few days into a small document for his charges, and sent it via the Brotherhood’s internal holonet server to his superiors and to the members Phoenix Phyle. Simultaneously, all five Tyro’s, Troopers, and Flight Members received their first Report from a sergeant in over a standard year.

I’m gonna try something new; a partial In-Character report. The first half will be purely something made up, maybe a response to something in the DJB universe, but otherwise useless, you can ignore it if you’re into swift report reading.


It’s all but official. Taldryan has won the Right of Supremacy: Second Darkness. With all scores released in every category, all we are awaiting is the official announcement of the winner of the Right.

Clan Scores (total) stand at:

Scholae Palatinae: 601

Taldryan: 574

Naga Sadow: 287

Tarentum: 248.5

Arcona: 237

Plagueis: 159.5

Keep in mind these scores do not include the points for the Debate or the Battle Plan, both of which we won, are very heavily weighted events.

In other news, The Great Jedi War has been pushed back to give everyone breathing room. Expect it begin sometime in June. The T:DSC (Tribune: Dark Side Compendium) position is open to applicants. Apply to Sarin, P:GM Raken and Halcyon. The T:F (Tribune: Fiction) position is also open; apply to the same three individuals. Hav Daggari was recognized by head Master Anshar Khan for sumbiting and passing his 3000th SA course. Game Nights are still on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a Sunday Tourney. And last of all, DV Exodus Edition entries are due on the Tenth of April (THAT TUESDAY!!!). Get them in, and you’ll receive a nice little Dark Side Scroll to add to your medal case. Good deal in my opinion.


Taldryan Rocks.

In other news, expect a Taldryan Times Special RoS Edition Soon. Send all entries to OPM Benevolent Taldrya Whiner. This doesn’t count towards a DSS like the Dark Voice, but it does show your leaders (cough*me*cough) that you have been active. It might even lead to something greater (cough*promotion*cough).

In the Fiction rounds of the RoS, which this clan personally took hands down, this Battle Team contributed a total of 36 points!!! That’s .0599% of the total reported Clan Points so far, and .104% of the fiction points this clan won!!! W00h00!11!!!1!11one!!!



Hav Daggari:

1 x Cr-A

Dark Sabre Taldrya:

3x CF

4x Seal of Darkness


2x Seal of Darkness

Vodo Biask:

4x Seal of Darkness


Hav Daggari:

Light Saber Studies (92%)

Dark Sabre Taldrya:

Marksmanship (100%)





http://www.freewebs.com/phoenixphyle/ (under construction)


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