Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Archanis AED Report #3!!

Coming out of a haze of smoke with the smell of alochol still lingering in every breath I take, I find myslf realizing that Its time to get my @$$ back in gear. So here it is, AED report #3, and oh will it be an AED report of drunken debauchery, we have won the RoS but its time we prepare for the upcoming GJW my friends.


DB News:

-It would see, that our very own Ricco Vao has lost all sense of respect for himself, and joined the Dark council Staff as Fiction Tribune. (More seriously, congrats to Ricco, you'll do a great job bro.)

  • T:DV is still open to applicatoins, for thoes of you who want experience working as a newpaper editor, then get on this, You will be like the Jamieson of the DB (Spider man 3 is out tonight!!!!!)

  • Most obviously the GJW is on the way, so be prepared everyone :D.

Taldryan News:

-Shad no longer = PCON. Anti-w00t.... he will be sorely missed, Shad helped lead this clan through the ROS and was an unstopable force.. Good luck to Shad.. Hey at least hes sticking around.

Archanis News:

-I guess we all know by know that Daar is the new CV battle team leader.. but those who dont.. DAAR IS THE NEW CV BATTLE TEAM LEADER!!!!



  • App berta tobur to NOV!! congrats and welcome to the house.


Nothing? :'( (From now on, for every person in a given week that does not get at least one award.. I will kill a kitten. And for every kitten that dies and angel loses its wings... and implodes.. so if you want to be responsible for that.. so be it.)

SA Passings:

  • 3 courses for berta tobur (good job man, keep it up.)



  • [EPIC] Fiction

-Taldryan Mad-lib Action

  • Tal Trivia!

House Archanis:

  • Crimson Vanguard Caption Competition

In closing

MMORPG's ARE EVIL!!! EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!! Do not play them!!!.. that is all.

For the Great Clan Taldryan and House Archanis,

Obelisk Templar Fire-Knight

Summit Members -

Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul TBA ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Quaestor Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Aedile Fire-Knight ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Envoy Ricco Vao ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

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