2 days


2 days

Only 2 (and a half) more days until the triumphant return of yours truly.

And the lands rejoiced, for there was Jac.

Jac left? :P

Who's Jac?

Just one question.

When will we commence eating your minstrels, to rejoice even further? :P It'll be good to have you back, Jac.

Yaaay Jac. Swing by 722 in Taylor sometime if you're around North campus, I will gives you food. :P

Amusingly, North Campus is the name given to Monmouth's residential side. The academic side is called the Shadow Lawn. :P

I know the Director of Residential Life personally, and I've suggested that North Campus be renamed to Shady Pines. :P

jaccle backle! woo!

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