Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

It’s that time again! Time for a report from your friendly Tetrarch (AKA me). A lot has happened since the last report and I have forgotten to keep track of them, so I’ll make this one short and sweet for the most part and pick back up on watching you guys again after this one.

As far as I know, we have had NO incoming or outgoing tranfers from our team (FOR ONCE!)


Not sure there were any. If you got promoted let me know and I’ll make an addendum to my report.

A whole lot of medals have been accounted for..mainly to our prize competitor, Aabsdu. He seems to be on fire with zeal and merits.

Again, if there were others, let me know and I’ll make an addendum. To those of you I failed to mention, congratulations to you anyway!


Umbra Arx in need of decorating. If you have ANY ideas, send them my way and I’ll look into them.

Master/Student Pairing is underway. Those of you who DON’T have a student let me know. Those of you who DON’T have a master also let me know and I’ll look into getting you guys paired up if you want a master/student.

Senate seems to be fairly quiet for the time being. We’ll see what that brings down the pipe.

In closing, this was such an eventful week that I lost track of everything. Sorry this report was late, but I still got it out. I’ll have this one set for two weeks and then next week we will begin our regularly scheduled reports of sometime in the middle of the week type schedule. Until next time, keep tuned to us and we’ll see you next week. Same bat time, Same bat channel.

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