Herald Report


Herald Report

the Herald Website

*the Herald Blog *


And, it's time for another Herald Report.

I've been working on a lot of secret projects that will zomgwtfpwn you in the face when they are unleashed. But I figured I should put out a new report anyway to keep you cats up on what's going on...as much as can be said anyway. besides, we all know you read the report for the funnies. :P


-> <- <p> Custom Saber Delivered!

Impetus had a dark, heavily embossed saber made.

I did a few others, but i discovered that they were speculative sabers...so they're not on their dossiers until they get promoted.<p>

-> <- <p> Lucas said to a random Fox interviewer that he was going to do two more movies, but that they wouldn't have any skywalkers in them. This is probably going to be a TV thing, as Lucas has said before that the money is in long-rn TV shows rather than big-budget films.

Then again, he said he'd never do the episodes before A New Hope, so...<p> Reason #30 why Trek is worse than Wars.<p> And this is just funny.

In Darkness,

-> <- <p> </p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>

Very nice.

is the star wars geek a portrait of Luc? :P im just kidding Luc

also nice video.

Nice Saber Impetus, very Sith like!

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