Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Hello Everyone,

Hello and welcome to my first Aedile report for House Oriens Obscurum. This position has been a long time coming and I’d like to thank Odin,, and Ashura on the bang up job they’ve done, I can only hope I can do the same. So here we are, pretty eventful week. Slow but that’s to be expected in the downtime. Anyway I apolgize for not having this report out earlier but my net crashed, I friggin hate when that happens. So enjoy. Now onto the good stuff inside, Aedile Report #1:


. Ashura steps down, Drodik (Me) assumes role as AED

. Rollmaster/Envoy position future TBA. If there’s interest in someone else taking the reigns I’m all for it.

. New Clan website heres the link:

. ACC Live Signups are now being held. Go to the ACC page and signup.

New Members

Everyone give a warm welcome to: Malekith the Deceiver, and Neoss, and Slade. And finally give a warm welcome to Timeros. Timmah! Not so sure what a ‘warm’ welcome is anyway but we’ll give ya one.

Departing Members

Turn of events led Ashura to depart from the clan and head to rogues. I’m sure he has his reasons and I respect them. Stunning as well, his character is dead. But he’ll be back for the sequel of course :P


Oi! I hate when there are problems and they all accumulate throughout the week. Here is all the awards from April 28th:

Xar’Khan: CFx5, CR-Sx1

Draco: CR-Tx1,

Jaxion: CR-Tx1,

Callus: CR-Ex2

Jscumm: CR-Ax1, CFx20,

Kaldar: CR-Tx1

al’Lan: SC


As I say in all my reports: Remember, anyone can recommend promotions to the summit. If you feel you or someone you know deserves a promotion, gather the reasons and evidence and present it to us. We’ll do what we can. We’re here to help you and we’re here to get you guys what you want. So lets get on to the current promotions at the moment:

Xar’Khan Promoted to JH! Congrats

Kaldar promoted to Neophyte in the ACC! Congratulations!


A slew of exams, congrats everyone who passed. Everyone trying to pass still, good luck. Don’t feel bad, I failed more exams in my short time than two people together. Heres who passed what:

Draco: AToW, Advancement Survey.

Kaldar: Training Saber,

Callus: History of Sith Empire II


I never reported on ACC things but here it is:

Rank updates: Kaldar promoted to Neophyte!

Winners: Kaldar& Dalthid-Kaldar!, Kara "Khrysthalia" Zor-El & al`Lan Mandragoran,

Losers: Korroth Karn & al`Lan Mandragoran- al’Lan L

In Progress: Kraval Novir& Drodik Va’lence al’Tor (for shame! :P)


Rollmaster/Envoy Spot

More to come in the future.

Master/Student Program

Here are the current Master/Student Pairings. If you want to be paired with a student or want to be paired with a master, contact me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] .

Alex d‘Tana-Kant Lavar & Aidyn Wolfwood

Callus Bo’Amar & Xar’Khan

Drodik Va’lence al’Tor & Draco Maligo

Sarin & Kaldar

House Roster

House Roster: 30 Members


155 EpisAlex d'Tana

25 ArchpriestTimeros Caesus Entar

297 Archpriestal`Lan Mandragoran

3247 ArchpriestVithril Isradia Kunar

4793 TemplarDrodik Va'lence al'Tor

4195 Dark Jedi KnightCallus Bo'Amar

4297 Dark Jedi KnightDesdemonea

4888 Jedi HunterXar'Kahn

5760 Jedi HunterBran Redmow

7764 Jedi HunterJScumm

4817 GuardianKeno

5648 GuardianDorn Ty'Rodius Ravr

6643 ProtectorAidyn Wolfwood

8038 ProtectorJaxion

8521 ProtectorDraco Maligo

8650 ProtectorKaldar

8505 AcolyteKant Lavar

8175 NoviceNefarious

8474 NoviceNiall Terrik

8156 ApprenticeKama Adri'tya

8532 ApprenticeLizbane

8593 Apprenticesnake

8609 ApprenticeStoud

8622 ApprenticeSeer

8636 ApprenticeGambinius

8686 ApprenticeAnub

8701 ApprenticeAdi-Bayin

8726 ApprenticeNeoss

8738 ApprenticeMalekith the Deceiver

8780 ApprenticeSlade


Well, its been a very cool past couple of days as AED of this house. I still have yet to experience ops in #Arcona but overall I’d give it a 9. 9 because I haven’t had ops yet :P Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic week and well keep intouch. Any questions, comments, ideas or concerns I want you to remember to contact me and I’ll help out no problem. Good Night/Morning/ Whatever. Peace!


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