Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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Report, Jade Serpents, 5/17/07

_Sai entered his office, the electroluminescent lights automatically switching on as he crossed the threshold, and he noted the presence of his father’s katana hanging from its place above his desk. Settling into his chair, he was greeted by its usual creaks and groans, and he made a mental note, as he always did, to look into getting it replaced.

He took his calligraphy kit from the desk’s side drawer, along with a clean scroll of paper. After unfurling it across his desk, Sai selected a brush, dipped its bristles into the inkwell, and began to write:_


Tetrarch Sai Na’Ashar Keibatsu

Adrian Kiarey

Matthew Ryan

Horus Blackheart

Sanjuro Keibatsu

Garusus Finkai

Shin’ichi Keibatsu

Gllen Nadix


Tal Kol

New Business:

Here’s what’s been going on since the last report, 5/09/07:

If you’ve noticed, there’s been a variety of reports put out by the leadership, imploring us all to get busy and active. I, too, am joining that list: I implore you, get active!! Not only will you get more fulfillment from your time spent here, you will do your part in ensuring the survival of our House and Clan.

Trust and believe, this will be a more pressing issue, as time will reveal…

There are a variety of comps going on, most important of which is the ongoing CNS Attacking The Clones with its varied and sundry arms. People have put in a gang of effort into getting these things together, so, show your appreciation and submit something!


Sanjuro got a Quartz Crescent!

Shin got a Topaz Crescent!

Sai got two Quartz Crescents!!

SA Courses Passed:

None as of this writing

New Members:

None as of this writing


None as of this writing


Aside from the ongoing Clan comp (Attacking The Clones), our very own Aedile is hosting comps, the details of which can be found in her reports. This, obviously, is a test of who reads this, and the other Summit Members’ reports. ;p Yours truly got a shiny for reading and participating; you can, too!

Ink Blotches:

Well, it looks like we’re leaning back towards the lean times. A shame, really, considering all the awards and promos just a-waitin’ for us to take advantage!!

As usual, the ACC takes up a lot of my time; if you guys are jealous, you haven’t shown it! ;p If ya have anything to say to your ol’ Tetrarch, come on over to the Center, an’ we can discuss some things…in the most civilized manner, of course!

I’ve also submitted to Fiction II of the CNS comp; hopefully, it’ll gain me more points toward my overall total. I also encourage you to pop on over to the Run-On. Reading these and participating therein is a great way to know your clanmates, to get them to know you, and to work on your writing skills, a hallmark of this BT.

See? Benefits, all around!

In service,

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