Grand Master Report


Grand Master Report


Move: On the 21st of May I am moving to Fort Huachuca Arizona for six months. It is a sixteen hundred mile drive, so I will be on a LoA from the 21st until the 25th. My time will also be limited this weekend because I plan on spending as much time as possible with my wife and new baby.

So, lets get this report out of the way and tie up a few loose ends prior to my leave.



Deputy Grand Master: Dark Side Adept Muz Keibatsu Sadow has been selected as the new Deputy Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. Muz is one of those members who has excelled at every facet in the Dark Brotherhood and his dedication and loyalty to our Club is second to none. I am happy to have Muz as my new DGM and I look forward to working with him. Congratulations Muz!

Arcona PCON: Congratulations to Archpriest Timeros Caesus Entar on his (re)selection as Arcona Proconsul. Timeros and I have talked on an almost daily basis for the last month and I am confident that he will help lead Arcona to great things. Welcome back Tim.

Herald: Open for Applications: The Deputy Grand Master will make an announcement concerning the position of Herald of the Dark Brotherhood. Look for details on the DB news page this weekend.

Fiction Development: The Shroud: We have long talked about the mysterious Shroud that conceals the Antei System from the rest of the galaxy. Over the past month, SBM Raken and the fictional development team have worked on the fictional development of the Shroud.

We have uploaded this work and encourage everyone to use it to help supplement their fiction.

Bravo to Raken and the Crew for helping flesh out this important part of our fictional universe.

PDF Version

DOC Version

RTF Version

GJW: The Great Jedi War is tenatively scheduled for the month of July. Halc was the lead planner on the project and his unfortunate retirement will undoubtedly knock us off schedule a little bit, but Muz and I are working the rules and we hope to have them before the DC shortly.

The GJW Plot is 90% complete and if I do say so myself, it will melt your face off. <p>

T:DV Open for Applications: The Dark Voice Tribune position is still open for applications. The Dark Voice is the Dark Brotherhood's fictional news periodical and has long been a very important aspect to our fictional universe. Applications for the position of T:DV should be sent to GM Sarin and DGM Muz by 28 May. Applicants should submit a sample story that would appear in the Dark Voice as well as a list of qualifications. Applicants must have the capability to:

  • Must have a fast email turn around time

  • Good communication skills

  • Excellent writing and editing skills

  • Some HTML coding experience

  • Ability to piece together word documents and graphics

  • Ability to direct a small group

  • Ability to meet a deadline

  • Must have patience and a cool head under pressure


Congratulations: Medals: Congrats to Shadow on his Ruby Scepter, Tyren on his Steel Cross, and Raislin on the AC!!

Congratulations: Promotions: Congratulations to Kieran on earning a real lightsaber, Ricco Vao on joining the Equites, and to Xar'Kahn on JH, 1 more to go for that Saber!

Congratulations: Work: Great work to Taldryan on the Bryar Bowl, CSP on their Summer Games, the d'Tana's for their email, Halc on winning the ACC Championship Ladder, Dalthid on his continued Force Powers work, Jac on doing DB stuff while still studying for the Bar, and RevengeX for rocking SIT!

<p>Real Life</p>

Darth Babytus: Yay, she showed up:



Well, almost done.

Have a good week everyone. Muz, Raken, and Kir will hold down the Fort while I am gone. If you have an emergency, contact them, but remember to CC me as well.</p></p></p>

Congrats on your promotion Master, and to all the others for their great work for the brotherhood.

Nice kid you have Sarin ;)

To Sarin: I’m sorry sir, but we can’t watch your baby anymore.
Sarin: Why?
To Sarin: She doesn’t play well with others
Sarin: Really? How so?
To Sarin: Would you believe, blue lightening? >.<

Next Episode: Show down with MiniEvilOrv

w00t! Way to go Muz!!
/me bounces around with happiness!!!

Congrats Gm, beautiful child

Congrats Gm, beautiful child

Grats to Muz on his new Job, and congratulations to GM Sarin and his lady wife on a beautiful baby.

Well done Muz and you have a loverly child sarin good luck with fatherhood.


  1. Gratz to Muz on DGM. Although it was sort of a no-brainer.

  2. I like my face where it is. No face-melting for me, plz.

  3. The Prophecy rang true; great things are in store for Darth Babytus. Really Sarin, she's adorable. Congratulations and best of luck to and with her.

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