Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Greetings House Tridens, welcome to the wonderful Tridens RM report for 20070515-20070601. Just a note, reports will be coming out once a month now, instead of twice a month. Just a note, if you are below the rank of DJK, please send an email to Welshman saying you're still around, theres a AWOL check on;) Without further adue, your report.

New Members:

We would like to welcome our newest Tridites!...or whatever :P

Apprentices Jen-Kissai and Drichar De'is!


We would like to welcome the following members back to House Tridens!

DJK Daryus "ShadowHunter" Zalyn'Cya Bloodfyre

SW Ashura Isradia

SBL Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir

OP Lucius von Straumpobolopolis d'Tana


Balnazaar, Kamuul, and Cobra Frost were promoted to Novice!

Austinrj was pomoted to Acolyte! congrats Austin!

Sikes and Celahir were promoted to Jedi Hunter! Almost there!

Sephiroth Storm was promoted to Krath Priest! makes everyone bowbefore him

The following members of our wonderful House were bestowed withe the title of Tarentae!




Congrats to you all and thank you for your service!

Shadow Academy Courses

APP Balnazaar passed Lightsaber Studies, HSE I and II, and Sith Core!

NOV Kamuul passed IRC Basics!

NOV Kaotum passed AOL IM!

ACO austinrj passed Training Saber, Advancement Survey!

ACO Draven passed Training Saber!

JH Droveth Kathera Vectivi passed Krath Poetry!

JH Celahir completed the Advancement Survey!

KP Sephiroth Storm passed ACC INI!

SW Karel Tarentae passed Capital Starship Studies!

SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir passed Dark Brotherhood Basics!

SBL MERLANCE passed Force Philosophy, Astronomy, Sith Core, Safe

Computing, HSE I, HSE II, HSE III, Leadership Fundamentals, Capital

Starship Studies, Dark Brotherhood Basics, and Pre Republic History wow, what a mouthful!

The following awards were earned!

APP Cobra Frost: Cluster of Fire!

APP Kamuul: 2 Clusters of Fire!

ACO Austinrj: CR w QS

PRT Macindus: 3 Clusters of Fire!

PRT R'deth Bay: CR w ES!

GRD Sikes Aurelius Cluster of Fire!

DJK Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae: 24 Cluster's of Fire, CR w AS, and 2 CR w ES!

KP Sephiroth Storm: 55 Clusters of Fire!

SW Archean Erinos Tarentae: 3 Clusters of Fire!

SW Karel Tarentae: CF (25), CR w ES!

SW Xayun Erinos: 17 Clusters of Fire, and 2 CR w TS!

SBL MERLANCE: 2 Legions of the Scholar, 55 Cluster's of Fire, PoB, and CR w DS!

KPN Saitou: CR w SS!

KPN Troutrooper: Dark Cross!

Notes :

DC = Dark Cross

Cr w DS = Crescent with Diamond Star

Cr w SS = Crescent with Sapphire Star

Cr w ES = Crescent with Emerald Star

Cr w TS = Crescent with Topaz Star

Cr w QS = Crescent with Quartz Star

PoB = Pendant of Blood

CF = Cluster of Fire

LS = Legion of Scholars

House Roster: 61 Members

Battle Team Roster:

Circle 1 : Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae

Sikes Aurelius

R'deth Bay


Circle 2 : Melkor Corsair

Dock Alfar

Kaok Darzu

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