Grand Master Report


Grand Master Report


_“It is the time of false hope and waning light. It is the time of demagogues and Shadow Kings. It is a time to reap what has been sown. As the deeds of the fathers have come to weigh upon the sons, so goes the hope of this time.” _

            — Unknown Krath Poet on the Seventh Great Jedi War



The Seventh Great Jedi War: Dark Side Adept Muz Keibatsu Sadow, Sith Battlemaster Raken, and I are are nearing the completion of the Great Jedi War plot. The current draft (version 10) is at 47 pages and it has a lot in store for the future of the Dark Brotherhood. At the very least, no one is going to say that this Great Jedi War had little effect on the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

The Seventh Great Jedi War x 2: Muz and I are working on the mechanics of the game play for GJW and hope to have the rules and events submitted to the Consuls for their approval. Once we have a majority of Consuls approving the rules, we will go forward with an official start date.

Herald: Dark Prophet Mandaala has resumed his role as Herald of the Dark Brotherhood. Kaine has resumed his offices and has already released new skins for the Dark Brotherhood forums. Welcome back to the DC Kaine.

T:W Open for Applications: I have placed a news article on the Dark Brotherhood news page with the details for the Trinbue Wiki position. If you are intersted, please see that news post.

T:DV: Congratulations to Battlemaster Derev Niroth on his selection as Tribune Dark Voice. Derev put together an outstanding mission statement for the Dark voice and he has hit the ground running. The next DV should be out Mid-June with a very heavy emphasis on things to come in the DB. <p> Brotherhood Basics: The Headmaster continues to churn out excellent work and has released a Brotherhood Basics course for our new members (though everyone is encouraged to take it). This course aims to clear up some of the initial confusion that many of our members face. Great work Anshar!

Brotherhood Basics


Congratulations: Medals: Congrats to Telona on her second Sapphire Blade, Arion on his Grand Cross, Dismal on his Dark Cross, Wuntila on the Dark Cross, Royal on the Anteian Cross, Bubba on the Steel Cross, and Jagan on the Dark Cross!

Congratulations: Promotions: Congratulations to Seph on Priest, Julius on Templar, and Celahir/Sikes/Yadar on Jedi Hunter!

Congratulations: Work: Great work to CSP on finishing up their Summer Games, Kaine on the new forum skins, Anshar on the new course, The new DV staff for putting up with my requests, Muz and Dalthid on the Force Powers, Taldyran on the continuation of Bryar Bowl 2, Karel and Korras for doing their MP thing, and Raken for enduring change after change in the GJW plot. Oh, and Congrats to Yadar for sliding by in Leadership Fundamentals. :p

<p>Real Life</p>

Sacrifice: I just finished off the new Star Wars Novel. It was decent. Two big deaths and the return of the Mandalorians in a big way.

Arizona is hot: I am completely moved into my apartment in Arizona and have finally bought enough furniture to survive on for six months until I get home to wife and Babytus. My first impression of Arizona is that it is hot, my second impression is that the altitude makes it hard to run. Lovely.

Anyways, since I am living the Bachelor life now, expect to see me a lot over the next six months.....stop crying.


Have a good week everyone. Get your In character articles in to the DV staff :p</p></p>

Cool Report. You wouldnt believe it, I'm heading to Phoenix in October to visit friends... Heh, I've been told it can get very hot there. Make sure to use plenty of suntan lotion, if you're anything like me then you'll burn. ;)

Arizona? high Altitude? You must be an easterner...

Try coming to Colorado a few days and run around here. The air is much cleaner here than in Phoenix anyways. And we have the Air Force Acadmey!


Caedus? Two deaths? Dammit Sarin, quit spoiling me :P

curses at the delayed EU release date

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