Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

And just a few days before my surgery here's another report

The Equite Guidelines are now all said and done. Read it over because this will be what the MAA office, present and future, will be using to evaluate whether or not a member has earned a certain level in the Equite class

Equite Guidelines

The Good Rec's project is still up and it seems that people have read it. There's been more approvals than denials lately which is always good news

Good Rec's Project

Braecen is still working on the Journeyman promotion ceremonies, shouldn't be too long before the first batch is done

Remember, the 14-15th I will be gone due to my surgery so if you need something huge approved (like a sacraficial award or a nice high promotion) try to get it submitted by wednesday because those two days I won't even bother loggin into the site to look at the queue. My time will be spent sleeping and eating soups and applesauce :P

After speaking with Anshar we've decided that if you want to change orders you now have to take the orders test on the SA and pass it. This will hopefully reduce the amount of times a person will request to have his or her order changed for whatever reason :P

As always if you have a problem with me just shoot me an email and explain your reasoning in a calm manner

What, do you mean the CORE exam?

thats a joke about order changes right...some of those CORE exams are a straight doosey, and still related to the old order specific stuff, if I recall correctly..

I don't care, I'm a Sith Forever, but someone might get annoyed :p granted, you're logic on reduced transfers is right :p

yeah not everyone likes taking SA courses and taking order exam to change order seems a bit too much. Orders are suppose to be for fun, not to make people do more work.

No if I was joking I would have said something like "LOL j/k :P" which I didn't. This is to hopefully prevent the n00bs that come in and see "ZOMG Sith 4r3 teh pwn" and request a change then read about the Krath and decide "Tehy are awezom uber powerful soceriors" and try to change over in the same day. Yes I know orders are for fun but it gets old fast when the same member or small few members try to change their order every two hours

Perhaps you should name them people Krobelith lol

The idea behind the required Core exam for order changes is simply to ensure that people have been introduced to at least the fictional standing of the order. That was also the reason behind the Core rewrites. Since we don't have order platforms anymore, there aren't any real definitions on the orders. It adds to the RP-ish aspects of the DB, in short.

Also, I do have on hold the Order Interest survey to help new members choose an order, but after seeing the new member stats for the past 6 months, new members spread out fairly well among the three orders. Sith still got the most, and that can likely be attibuted a lot to the "Sith rulz!!! I'm Darth Maulpwn!" factor. :P

We don't need orders anymore, changing them every 3 months is just stupid. :P So this is a good decision imo. Also, Sith rulz!!!

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