Interclub Training Event Update


Interclub Training Event Update

Apologies for a late report on the ICTE and medals... I've been falling asleep early, I think. :P

For the third time in five weeks, the Interclub Training Event has had over 60 matches played! With a total of 95 CFs being given out for a record 80 matches played by 30 different people, this has been the most successful Interclub Training Event on record! A superior showing across the board from plenty of members, with a ton of fun and friendly competition going on, the ICTE is clearly proving to be a very fun way for members to earn recognition for themselves and their clan.

Clan Arcona has taken top participation for the third straight week, with an astounding 14 members playing games. In addition to taking top participation this week, Gambit of Clan Arcona earned 16 CFs in 18 games, taking top honors in participation this week! Congratulations to Gambit and his Clan for their superb performances last Saturday!

The Jedi Knight series of games continue to dominate the ICTE playing time, but with the Sith War, it does seem that we have had an increase in Sith participation, with XWA having a handful of games played. We even recorded a XvT Match for the first time in months! Now more than ever is the time to get into the games, have some fun, and earn your Clan recognition!

See you Saturday, 4 pm EST, in #outerrim!

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