Herald Report


Herald Report

Some people may have seen me on IRC today - it was a very, very slow day at work. Not as slow as December 2005, where I spent the majority of my work week playing Flash-based games... but pretty damned close.

Today made me realize that I need to go nab a real IRC client instead of relying on Trillian's broken, crappy version of an IRC client even though I'm not really keen on IRC all that much anymore.

I'm not going to put much effort into this one only because I'm kind of busy with the HRLD site stuff.

Office work (Custom Sabers and warbanners) are semi-functional. You can request them via their respective forms. Custom Robes will be a while, if ever.

Robot Chicken: Star Wars

It's coming soon... real soon... check your local listings. For now, chekc out all this stuff being said about it. Thanks to Telona for the reminder to mention it again.

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