Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Crimson vanguard status report.

Greetings Crimson Vanguard, things are looking up, we recently lost some names from our roster, due to an AWOL check. Now only the strongest and most dedicated of the Crimson Vanguard are left.

The Champion competition looked very grim when I issued my last report, now things are starting to get better for us.

Congratulations to Itachi on, being promoted to ACO, completing the Advancement survey, DB basics course, ACC INI course, and joining the CV!

Champion of Archanis

Current standings for CV

Itachi: 30 points

Daar: 10 points

With a total of 40 points CV makes it’s first real appearance in this competition.

Send Champion submission to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

To receive your points each week email me with an explanation of what you have done. Also include a screenshot for gaming, fiction in a word document, the graphic, and the file for the mission/battle design depending on what you’re submitting.

This is a list of what gets you points.

Creation of graphics (banners, images, etc.),CMDR Discretion based on quality( DB/Tal/Archanis/CV related images)

Creation of fiction (stories, plotlines, etc.), CMDR Discretion based on quality and length (most be posted in the Writers Corner)

Website design, CMDR Discretion based on quality

Squadron/House/Clan Website maintenance, CMDR Discretion depending on complexity of the updates (don’t have one yet, still is the works)

Shadow Academy Course

Battle Design for TIE, XvT, and XWA

Mission Design for TIE, XvT, and XWA

Wins in official MP competitions

Winning a competition with another battle team

Relevant Message Board Posts (DB/Taldryan Message Boards) CMDR’s discretion

Other points may be awarded for other activities at the Quaestor's, Aedile's, or CMDR's discretion

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