Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan Consul Report #19

July 13th, 2007 – OPM Duga Taldrya Arkarso

Greetings to everyone,

Hope everyone is doing great and pumped up over the news lately around the Brotherhood of the next Great Jedi War coming. Now to this report thing…

====== Happenings ======

1) New Clan Promotion Guide

The MAA Office put out some new Guidelines for the Clans to make better, more open guides, quite some time ago. After being talked about here and there, poked around to a few folks, and dropping to the wayside more than once, we are about set with this one. It also includes some suggestions on promotions for those of the Equite Class.

I’ve linked this up on the Clan website tonight and so can check that out anytime. This won’t really go into effect before August or possibly the ending of the Great Jedi War, but it’s complete as far as the basics go. We will probably mess with it a bit over the next few weeks to make sure it has a good amount of options, assessable links or references, and that sort of stuff. If you have any thoughts on it, share those with your leaders.

2) Taldryan Times: Volume III, Issue 2

After taking a bit of time off from the last issue before the Rite of Supremacy the Tal Times staff has finally completed another issue just in time for release before the next major conflict. This has some hilarious stuff in it as usual, some past RoS things, another amazing “We Pwn” article, and much more. Check it out and enjoy, if you want to contribute to a Post-GJW Edition just send me an email, we are always open to good stuff.

3) Preparing for the War

This is just the beginning of it all. I’ll send another email out Saturday night and at least one Sunday, look forward to tons of emails and reminders once we get going, this will be a major event and everyone is encouraged to jump into whatever they can.

For those fairly new, Great Jedi Wars are major conflicts in the Dark Brotherhood where the Clans all fight for the top spot. These usually include large fictional plots that involve all the Brotherhood and in this one some “current events” in the Star Wars timeline. We will see many events that span all the areas of play in the club, such as the ACC, Fictions, Graphics, Gaming, and of course Clan Run-ons. It’s a great time for everyone to come together and fight for their Clan’s honor and supremacy, and have some great fun at the same time. The structure for this GJW seems to be pretty decent so as long as we give it our best we should come out victorious again. Remember, we are currently undefeated in these conflicts so let’s keep it that way!

As it has been mentioned in reports from the Grand Master for a long time now, Clan Fleets will all be going through major changes in and after the GJW. We’ll see updated ships more in line with what’s used at this point in our timeline and still keeping some of the old good ones. Placing 1st will guarantee us keeping our superiority over the other Clans in this area so we have a lot to ride on with this.

Normal competitions will come to a stop pretty much when this starts and everything will go towards our activity in this until mid to late August. GJW are perfect situations for younger members to get promotions much faster and for others to grab some nice medals, the better you do the more you get. I, along with the rest of the Summits, will keep everyone updated with what’s happening and what you can do; we will be competing right beside you. That’s one thing I really pushed last year in the last War and I’ll do again, leaders will be leading by example.

One last thing, this is a call for anyone willing to help out on the Clan War Council for this GJW should email me in the next, oh, 20 hours at the latest. The War Council is a group of up to 5 members that talk about situations and make tactical decisions in the wargame department. This is very important and will help in determining success overall, so we need the best and those that can help strategize some for the duration of the entire conflict. Chaos and I are on board of course, so that leaves three spots open. Just shoot me a private email or a message on IRC if you are interested.

For more news and leader reports that cover the entire Brotherhood, check the news page. This will surely be a good source in being the most up-to-date on GJW Happenings when that starts.

====== Competitions ======

DB-Wide Events:

  • Character Pic (Graphics, runs till July 14th)

  • July DV Article Competition (Writing, runs till July 17th)

  • July MT (Fiction, Poetry, Graphics, runs all month)

  • SA Trivia (Trivia, runs all year)

Clan-Wide Events:

  • Return of the CON Comp (1-3) (Top Ten lists, runs till July 14th)

  • Super Happy Awesome Fun Time: CTF Edition (Gaming, runs all month)

  • Taldryan Topic: Alliance (Fiction, runs all month)

  • Tal Trivia (Trivia, runs all year)

House Archanis Events:

  • Mining For Trouble (Run-on, runs till July 14th) House Dinaari Events:

  • None

House Ektrosis Events:

  • None

Gaming Events:

  • Gaming Days (Tuesday and Thursday this week)

  • Inter-Club Training Event (Every Saturday)

The third installment of the "Quick & Easy CON Comps" returned to a good opening with a One-word Run-on that was quite disturbing followed by a Mad-lib. Good participation in both events scoring 9 and 11 participants. Both the Run-on and top Mad-libs are featured in the Tal Times released today. The last CON Comp event ends tomorrow and it’s a Top Ten list so check that out and participate before it’s over, just another fun simple competition before the madness begins.

Don’t just forget that SHAFT CTF event or the Taldryan Topic this month, both fun events for those that like either activity and easy to do.

====== Promotions, Awards, SA, Etc. ======

Congrats on some recent promotions since my last report, it’s awesome to see these happening, lots of blood still moving!

Dark Ace was promoted to Jedi Hunter (JH) Figzer was promoted to Guardian (GRD) Oceba was promoted to Protector (PRT) Rag'Nar Sklib was promoted to Acolyte (ACO) Itachi Uchiha was promoted to Acolyte (ACO) Phoenix Berkana was promoted to (NOV) Zama was promoted to Novice (NOV) Sionest Thanosses was promoted to Novice (NOV)

A few shout outs to some medal recipients as well: Avenged for taking 1st place in the fiction part of Catalyst Comp, Daniel Goad for placing in Tal Trivia and taking up a position in the Chamber of Justice, Abraxia Sydan for taking 1st in the Shadowmorph's Motto competition, and to those gamers out there for their continued efforts such as Vardar, Ace, and Rag’Nar! One last big thanks for Ben on helping me with stuff, most recently being pinning much of the Tal Times up.

Way too many SA Courses taken over the past 10 days, 22 by my count at least. Obviously many are taking advantage of the Shadow Academy (in a good way) so I hope they are learning something!

We are losing our Joshman soon I believe, leaving to focus on real life things that need his utmost attention. Good luck with that Joshman and hope you come to visit in the future, hate to see a good guy leave.

====== Is that It? ======

Not quite as bad as the last report right? Well maybe not, I’m not keeping track of that. It’s been a bit of a tough month so far getting back to work and not getting ready for inventory next week, but I should have a week’s paid vacation coming up around the 29th so that’ll be great.

We have activity from folks all across the Clan right now and that’s awesome. We have folks in Archanis participating in a Run-on, people doing the CON Comps, others taking part of Gaming Events, and several more getting on IRC and chatting it up. Let’s keep up the great activity and start the Seventh Great Jedi War off right with a big jump.

Important Links

Dark Brotherhood -

Message Boards -

Antei Combat Center -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Codex -

Dark Compendium -

Dark Covenant -

Clan Taldryan - House Dinaari - House Ektrosis -

Taldryan Codex -

Competitions Page -

IRC Guide -

Summit Members -

Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Archanis Quaestor Taku "Crix" Matsuki Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Archanis Aedile Ricco Vao ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Archanis Envoy Gobhainn Sgath ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Quaestor Sithspawn Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Dinaari Aedile Vladet Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Dinaari Envoy Acxodim Pyralis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Mailing lists -

Clan Taldryan ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) House Archanis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) House Dinaari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) House Ektrosis ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server

IP Address:

Password: Talpwnz

Kr'Tal Gaming Server (Jedi Academy)

IP Address:

Password: DBROX

For Taldryan,

Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso

Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan

Planetary Viceroy of Karufr, Regent of the Kr'Tal System

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