Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Ok, I’m going to break the normal formatting for my reports. We have one week left. Yes, one week. I know you are tired, battered, the Vong have beaten you down, but you are sons and daughters of Sadow and you will prevail.

There are two graphics and a 4 page minimum fiction due by Saturday night. Then the last week’s events will be released. This is it folks. The biggest competition of the year will be over, so take one final breath and jump in. It’s not too late to participate in something and every point counts towards our overall score.

I want everyone to do what they can this last week to really push our stats. Our gamers, gaming as much as possible, our writers writing and entering the fiction events and keeping up with their posting for the runon. Our poets poeting and our graphics peeps doing their voo-doo on the graphics. Give it your all for this final week, Ludo Kressh! Show them what we’re made of!

Still, welcome to our new members! Modar, Kyrath Amaranthi and Arachni. I hope you find a home in Ludo Kressh and make a name for yourself in the Brotherhood.

Now everyone! Go out…and kill some Vong!!

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