Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings, Questor, Aedile and Rollmaster

My report for Phoenix follows here.

I am happy to report that the news around the removal of in-active members from Phoenix, has been received warmely by our members.

I have had many positive reactions about this matter.

GJW is treating us all very well. I am pleased to report that some members even found the time to do the regular db stuff.

Epis Dark Sabre Taldrya #3383 has, once again, won many ACC battles. I am very impressed with his performance. Perhaps I can get him to give me some lessons…

ACO Madara Uchiba #9055 has filled in his advancement survey.

DJK Anga Salinas #3821 has found the time to fill out the ICQ, IRC and General Leadership exams.

The rest are working on their fiction and run-on bits for the GJW.

So to keep it short; I’m very proud of my team…!

Dark greetings and for ever loyal,

GRD Lokasena Corvinus.

Krath Tetrarch Battle Team Phoenix.


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