Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Crimson vanguard status report.

Greetings Crimson Vanguard, we are once again victorious!

Another perfect round of Tal dominant pwnage is over, leaving us one last round standing in our way of supreme victory!

Aedile Ricco Vao, listed some of our active house members in round four that had shown the level of their commitment. I would like to personally congratulate PRT Eludajae M'Nar, or Ludy as she is affectionately called on her progress overall.

Ludy joined during the war, and has participated to the best of her ability.

Another bit about graphics… “This war has had a few Graphics(GFX) rounds so far. I’ve seen a few entries via the clan mailing list. After the war I’ll will start a topic on CV’s section of the house message boards just for GJW GFX submissions. There everyone can show off their artwork, and ask questions about visual devices used, etc. Basically a thread to show off your images and brag about how wicked they are.” You might remember that from my last report. I’d just like to add to that important blurb, AED Ricco is a GFX Wizard, as well as many other house members. Gob is pretty good also, these guys are your go to guys for suggestions, and ideas when your stuck or just want some suggestions.

Future BT comps: Another new future BT comp just to test your writing skills(not really though). Members will write a short blurb no more than 10 paragraphs, about them designing there own training programs for their off time. An example of this is writing about how you would practice your swordsmanship alone, what styles of movements would you use? Are there a set sequence of stances/strikes to follow? Basically a simple little bit about how you hone your skills in your spare time.

The medals offered for best three submissions, are not decided upon yet.

Now on to the news section, some what bland but regular.


Promotions: Eludajae M'Nar (Krath)

Old Rank: Acolyte (ACO)

New Rank: Protector (PRT)

Congratulations on your promotion,Ludy!

Medals awarded: N/A

SA Courses: Krath Poetry Passed: Kara "Khrysthalia" Zor-El you have passed Deneba: Poetry with a

score of 95.

PRT Eludajae M'Nar Training Saber Course

Lightsaber Studies Passed: Eludajae M'Nar you have passed Karana: Lightsaber Studies with a score of 87.

Leadership Fundamentals Passed: Eludajae M'Nar you have passed Khar Shian: Leadership Fundamentals with a score of 100.

Capital Starship Studies Passed: Eludajae M'Nar you have passed Onderon: Capital Starship Studies with a score of 100.

That concludes the BT news section of this week’s report.

We are on the FINAL week of the GJW! They’ve gone and made an easy event for every journeyman and even EQ to compete in, and rack up the personal/clan points in.

The SA course event. So far Ludy has been flooding my mail box with SA results, Kara has been doing a bunch too.

If you ever wanted a good reason to do SA courses, this it folks, easy task easy points.

I’m going to be emailing everyone individually shortly, and ask you what you’ve been up to, what would you like to do activity wise, etc etc. This is not an AWOL check at all, it’s more of a quick checkup for me to get some feedback from you and help keep CV on the right track.

So look for my email within the next day or so.

That concludes this weeks report.

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