Aedile Report


Aedile Report

The make-shift head-quarters of House Acclivis Draco was nothing compared to the splendour of their once lavishly decorated home. The hangar they were using had personal possessions, computer equipment and weaponry dumped everywhere. In one corner there was a growing pile of those possessions belonging to the members who had died in the battles against the Vong. Even as people scavenged items that could be put to good use now it still grew. The light fingered troopers under the command of Acclivis Draco hadn't even gone through it to see what there was to steal to put up for sale on the Brotherhood's noticeboards.

Cuchulain looked down on the parade from the small room he and RevengeX were using as the HAD Ops Cell. After seven weeks of battle his body was battered and weakened, and his mind wasn't too far behind, the loss of friends and students bearing heavily on his shoulders. He wondered about those who had become one with the Force. Long time rumours of Force ghosts entering his head, toying with his thoughts, imagining those members still filling the ranks now, their normal forms though now blue, shimmering and translucent. Perhaps one or two may have had the strength to do that. Only time would tell. The group of people stood waiting for him was the smallest number he had seen in a long time, and they looked even more ravaged than him. Some had very few belonging left, and stood in their formal robes. Others had come from clean-up duties and were covered in grime, sweat running down bare skin uncovered in the heat. But he could show no weakness. Cooch stood up, straightened his stiff back and tattered tunic and marched down to address Acclivis Draco, using the little mental strength he had left to project his persona onto them all, so that they would in turn take strength from his resolve.


Dark dudes and dudettes!

Yay for us! Scholae Palatinae got second in the Great Jedi War, a huge leap from the 4th place we got in the last big competition, and broke the record of 3rd that we attained way back when I was Consul. That tosser Braecen went and moved us forwards, even though he's a yank. Who'd have thought it?!

Nova awards still have not been awarded, so please bear with the Master-At-Arms. No doubt he has a lot to get through, so a day or two doesn't matter. When these do come through it could be that there are members of the House who will be due a promotion, but who knows…

Also, there are no gaming night or ICTE events currently planned, though no doubt that will change following Saturday afternoon's meeting.

This week


RevengeX and Impetus both got themselves a Sapphire Blade

Yeldarb and Yadar have both completed the most SA courses with four and three each respectively. Well done, gents. Syphoc must have been taking a well-earned rest after completing the most tests in the "Evacuation of Lyspair" event.

Three new members joined:- Alden, Kumar and Jay Than - welcome guys!

Demious got promoted to Guardian - drinks on him!

SW Zeron transferred to the Rogues. :-(

As ever, I probably swore the most in #scholae even though I've been there very little this week.

Competitions - don't DARE say you have nothing to do...


There is a month long competition in September based around the Dark Voice newsletter. Check out the info here and go get yourself some Crescents!,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&filter=upcoming&ID=2813

GJW is over and we came second! A sterling effort by so many members of this House, and my thanks go out to you all for showing our great team-spirit.

CSP ACC All-Stars - Awards to be won, and should be incoming. If you have done the most in August you'll get something pretty. If not, get off your ass and start challenging people in September.

CSP Gaming Night All-Star - Same as above, but this all goes on how many CoF's you get. Dust off that JO and go battling to win the CSP Award.

CSP Shadow Academy All-Star - Can you see a pattern emerging here? If you've done more SA courses than anyone else in the Clan for August you get an award. I think there are four people in HAD in the running for this, and you've all still got a day or so left before the cut-off…

CSP Trivia All-Star. Trivia hasn't specifically been running during the GJW, but that hopefully changes this weekend. Anyone know if Trivia is on for CSP?

For The Empire - SWG based PvP kills with the same format as the CSP comps above.

Arania is currently working on a run-on course, which several members of the Clan are already signed up to helping her with. This will give you all the opportunity to learn how to take part in run-ons, and get direction on how your posts should be shaped. Yay for Ara, pity her character is dead. How are you supposed to throw things at a ghost?

Trivia is back in #db after the meeting this week



Braecen added a post to the DB News page. If you're on FaceBook follow the link below for some Star Wars fun.

From this evening I go on leave until Monday 17th September. I'm off with the army and I will have no internet time what-so-ever, apart from perhaps an hour or so on Monday. Try not to break anything while I'm gone.


KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatinae

Aedile and Rollmaster Of Acclivis Draco

RevengeX's Number 1 Bitch

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