Aedile Report


Aedile Report

# House Caliburnus

Aedile Report

_The Dark Jedi Knight sighed. The Great Jedi War was over, but at what cost? All of Clan Scholae Palatinae was on Judecca. Looking back over his papers, the blue-haired Aedile mumbled to himself. He was an Obelisk, what was he doing with paperwork? He should be outside, helping coordinate the forces of House Caliburnus.

He stretched and sighed. Oh well, he thought to himself, with time they would have to clear the Vong off Judecca and out of Cocytus space._



Rasilvenaira and I are looking into reopening Nightmare Squadron. We need two or three more people to open it, send a mail detailing why you would like to be in the Squadron to Rasilvenaira ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). We would like to have these as soon as you possibly can send them.

Look for competitions starting this weekend. Rasilvenaira will go into detail more about this.

-> ## Promotions <-

Congratulations to the many people who received promotions. Keep up the good work!

Novice lacus – Promoted from Apprentice

Novice Frindsor – Promoted from Apprentice

Dark Jedi Knight Yzarc Rellik – Promoted from Jedi Hunter

Dark Jedi Knight Angelo Dante – Promoted from Jedi Hunter

Guardian Cerim P'thar – Promoted from Protector

Acolyte Frindsor – Promoted from Novice

-> ## Awards <-

To those who received awards, congratulations and keep up the excellent work!

Fionn dan Locut’hal – 1 AC

Rasilvenaira Stormraven – 1 DC

-> ## Shadow Academy <-

Sykes Jade – Lightsaber Studies, Force Alchemy

Xathia dan Locut’hal – Weapons Basics

Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan – Astronomy

DRock – Brotherhood Basics, Marksmanship

-> ## New Members <-

A huge influx of new members has just arrived, be sure to welcome:

Ora Irossvisosk


Ventrii K'Vaad

Semaj O'Graidais

Bat Fastard






Phantom BENace


Welcome to House Caliburnus!

-> ## Transfers <-

Welcome Corin Dragorath to House Caliburnus!

-> ## In Closing <-

So another week has gone by. Look in the next couple of weeks for competitions by the House. We will be making three sets of competitions. One set will be for the whole house, another will be for Journeymen (APP-JH). The last will be for the Souls of Darkness battleteam. Be sure to look into them, as they will be interesting and fun.

Yzarc Rellik


House Caliburnus

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