Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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Third report

This ones important as it's a step forward for the Night Hawks.

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Some news.

Night Hawks reorganised. New members in, old members out.

House AWOL is still underway. Call Quejo and Manji is you dont wanna be pwnt.

Dossiers and rosters updated. Very cool stuf Jac did. Made my life easier :P

Halo 3 meets DJB.

There will be a gaming frenzy once Halo 3 comes out.

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No comps regarding the Night hawks yet. ill start a few soon. Maybe today maybe tommorow, who knows.

Anyway there will certainly be a Run-On for the whole Phyle and yes it will give out shineys :P

Prolly add some fiction and gaming to it. Trivia is also in my mind. Im pondering on it still.

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No promotions in the Phyle.

Tho Clanwise Vladek has been promoted to Priest. Congrats to our former member.

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Shaung Long has been given a gold Nova for first place in the GJW Run-On event. Sweet m8.

I can already see we have Run-On fiction material in the Phyle. I likes it ;)

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Shikyo "Sasuke" Keibatsu

Shan Long


Daunte Kashu



Shimura Keibatsu

Kyrath Amaranthi

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As you can see the Phyle roster has been purged all thats left is clarity. :P

Current Roster:

Tyren Atema

Shan Long

Ylith Atema

Shaung Long

Shikyo Keibatsu

Thats about it. I'll be posting reports somewhat irregularly but expect at least one each week.

I'm also STILL updating the wiki. If you get any at all relevant info on history about the NH mail me.

** In darkness!

Tyren Atema

Magistrate to the Herald

Magistrate to the Grand Master

Night Hawks Tetrarch

Twin brother of Ylith Atema** <-

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