Aedile Report


Aedile Report

# House Caliburnus

Aedile Report

Sorry, there will be no fiction this week. I’m going to blame school.



Rasilvenaira is looking for members to join Nightshade. Currently, we are looking for six people so we can open the Battle Team. Drop Rasilvenaira an e-mail if you are thinking of joining.

Participate in competitions. The Journey/Path competitions, detailed in e-mails sent out for the past week end tomorrow. Also, participate in the message board trivia! Clan-wide, there is a competition to name the fleet.

-> ## Promotions <-

Congratulations to all who earned promotions! Keep up the great work.

Protector Vokell – Promoted from Novice and Acolyte

Acolyte DRock – Promoted from Novice

Protector Frindsor – Promoted from Acolyte

Acolyte Zadist – Promoted from Novice

Protector Kortius Saul – Promoted from Acolyte

-> ## Awards <-

A job well done to those who received shineys!

Corin Dragorath – 3 CFs, 1 LS

Korroth Karn – 1 LS

Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan – 1 LS

-> ## Shadow Academy <-

Keep up the hard work in your studies!

Xathia dan Locut’hal – Test of Wisdom, Astronomy

Vokell – MSN Messenger, Marksmanship, ACC Initiates, Obelisk Core, Weapons Basics, HTML Basics, Capital Starship Studies, Conflict Mediation

Frindsor – Training Saber, Dark Brotherhood Basics

Corin Dragorath – History of the Sith Empire I

stolz – MSN Messenger

-> ## ACC <-

Congratulations to those who won this past week!

Xathia dan Locut’hal – Win x1

Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan – Win x1

-> ## New Members <-

Please welcome our newest members!



Nokkon Wud

-> ## Transfers <-

Michalto Retorva – Welcome back to HC!

Malevolent Blade – Welcome to House Caliburnus!

-> ## In Closing <-

I don’t have much to say this week, believe it or not. I’m only going to say that I would like to see more participation in competitions. We (Clan Scholae Palatinae) have a competition to name the fleet. I want to see many names from House Caliburnus. Even if your idea is not selected, you will still be participating. Check out the details here.

Yzarc Rellik


House Caliburnus

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