Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings all,

I apologize for the lateness of this report, real life decided to pounce on me over the weekend and things were incredibly hectic. However, lots of new and exciting stuff to cover.

House News:

The Clan wide event, Reclamation, has started. This is a huge opportunity for each of you to take part in the next big chapter in Scholae Palatinae’s history. It is also a very good chance for you to earn lots of shinies. I’d like each of you to take time to look over the Reclamation website, do every event that you can. Not only will this work toward your own personal glory, but also will show that House Caliburnus is by far the best House of the Clan.

Reclamation Site:


Make sure you read the rules first: http://www.scholaepalatinae.darkjedibrotherhood.com/reclamation/rules1.html

In other news, I am pleased to announce the reopening of the Nightshade Squadron. Commanding the team is SBL Thran Occasus, and I look forward to seeing great things come out of Nightshade.

There are places available both in Nightshade and Nightmare, for those interested in being a part of a smaller team. Battleteams offer a great opportunity to learn teamwork and also a good chance for more competitions at the team level. If you would like to join a team, just email me.

Finally, I am looking for members who are artistically and graphically talented to assist in a variety of upcoming House projects, so if you would like to help out, email me.

House Direction:

The immediate focus is on the Reclamation event, I want to see as much participation from Caliburnus as possible. House Caliburnus has a long and proud tradition of being the best. So get out there, take a look at the events, even if you don’t think you can do it, TRY. Participation counts and every thing you do will help not only yourself but your House as well.

*Competitions: *

There are many competitions going right now, this is a list of the current ones.

DB wide:

October Gaming Tournament -


Clan wide:



Shades of Distant Past –


CSP Capital Ship Names –


CSP Gaming Night All-Star –


CSP ACC All-star –


CSP Shadow Academy All-star –


CSP Trivia All-star –


CSP General Wiki Competition –


House wide:

HC Trivia Madness! –


Battleteam wide –

For Nightmare:

The Beginning -


Signs of Nightmares –


*Closing Thoughts: *

Life gives back no more than what you put into it; if you do nothing, that’s what you will get. The DJB is the same way, you want awards and promotions, you have to work for it. Put in a little effort and you will be rewarded for it. Don’t focus on “I’m new, I don’t know enough, I can’t do this.”

EVERYONE can do something, and only by trying will you learn more, and get better. You have the chance to achieve what you want, as long as you are willing to keep your eyes on the prize and try hard. I don’t expect anyone to be good at every single thing, but it never hurts to try every thing that you can possibly do, you will only improve or maybe discover skills you didn’t realize you had.

*“The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.” * ~ Douglas Adams

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