Mage's Sunday Special


Mage's Sunday Special

Title: Mage's Sunday Special

I would like to revive this traditional Obelisk event - the first member-created-and-hosted Jedi Outcast tournament ever! In this rendition, however, I'd like to change a few things:

1) The platform used will be Jedi Academy.

2) Competitors will have approximately 1.5 hours to play as many 10-kill matches as they can. These matches will be awarded CF's.

3) Based on the score breakdowns (+1/win, -1/loss, 0/tie), an elimination tournament bracket will be created (top vs. bottom, next down vs. next up, etc.). Each tournament match win will also be worth a CF.

4) The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place individuals at the end of the tournament (winner, runner-up, and semi-finalist highest initial score) will receive the appropriate Crescents (Diamond, Ruby, Amethyst).

This event will be run on a weekly basis, beginning at the host's choice of time (announced 2-3 days in advance minimum).

Multiple individuals may be approved to host this event at the overall operator's (Mage's) discretion.

Start Date: 1/3/2004
End Date: 12/31/2004

Unit in Competition: Entire DJB

Jedi Academy

Clusters of Fire for each initial fight win.

Clusters of Fire for each tournament win.

Crescents for top placements.

No actual end date - may be run indefinitely, depending on participation/interest.

Umm... Start: 01/03/2004

Should that not be something like 11/01/2003 or sometime more soon?

~ SO Zorrixor

I was leaving myself room to get through some school papers I know are coming up, as well as an expected leave around Christmas. If I can find people who are willing to host the event prior to then, it can by all means get going any time. ;)

Who will buy me Jedi Academy? You have two months to do so.

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