Herald Report


Herald Report

-A Step Up/History

-Goals And Pointers

-The Wolf's Den

A Step Up/History:

Wow... I'm surprised about this and very honored. I look forward to things on the horizon but we'll get onto that in a second. :P

I'm Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu, a Sith Battlemaster that originated in House Oriens Obscurum of Clan Arcona and found refuge and a home in House Marka Ragnos of Clan Naga Sadow. I'm currently the Left Hand of Justice and I've served in leadership positions ranging from Sith Commander to Quaestor, as well as Envoy and Eclectic Pedagogue work. I've been playing around with graphics for about 2 years, starting off by making avatars, signatures, and now something a bit more advanced. Muz has/is instructing me on the ways of graphic design and I've learned quite a lot from him. I look forward to coming up with some things, reviewing any projects going on, and possible revisions to the guidelines. But that's where the next part comes in...

Goals And Pointers:

First, I plan on getting in touch with the Staff and see what they've been up to, plus getting a status update from them. I've already had a few people ask about possible Magistrate to the Herald positions. I'm not opening up any positions on the Herald Staff at this time and if I do, I'll make sure an announcement goes through the Holonet. Also, I'd like to let ya know that if you would like to make a request for warbanners or anything to that extent, please make a formal one on your Administration Menu. We do get them. :)

Some things I have been thinking about are some revisions to the robe selector for female Journeyman. Note: I am NOT making all new robes for them. I plan on taking the ones we have for them already and doing some revisions so that they are more form fitting. I've heard some other things from people and they will be taken under consideration. However, let's find out what's going on before we decided to do anything just yet. :P

The Wolf's Den:

Usually, this is where I put in things going on with me, IRL. If ya wanna read, go ahead. If not, that's cool.

I honestly didn't think my application was enough but the higher ups thought so, I guess. Rock on! Well, I went to Chicago for the first time today and it was awesome! Went to the Zoo, talked with my cousins (monkeys), and spent some time with friends and family. All in all, it was a pretty cool time. Now if my leg wouldn't feel so cramped, this would be even better. Well, that's it from me. Peace out, thanks for tuning in, and peace out!

-SBM Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu

Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline

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